It's a Date

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This chapter is dedicated to KikiCanuck. This girl is the sweetest and just deserves all the ponies in the world. She's been so supportive of me and this story, and it feels like she's one of the very few people that genuinley care. This is honestly the least I can do to thank her for being so amazing. I suggest fanning her, and reading all of her stories. Just an amazing, amazing person. And she's pushed me forward, being one of my inspirations to keep writing and keep going.




My head is pounding and I instantly feel a rush of regret, as an adult woman I shouldn't be partying so hard. This tour is work afterall.

I'm temporarily comforted when I realize that Henrik still has his arms around me. I shift a little, which wakes him up.

"Hey, girly. You up?" He says rubbing his eyes.

"Barely." I grunt.

"You must feel like shit, huh?"

"Uh-huh. My head is killing me." I whisper.

Hank pets my head, and kisses me softly on the cheek.

"I'm gonna go to the gym downstairs and let you rest, that alright?" He asks.

"Oh, yeah. Just leave me here to die." I mumble into my pillow.

Henrik smiles and pats me on the head before hopping out of bed and leaving the room.


I spend the majority of the day in solitude, the only time I ever really get up is to let Geno and Pavel in. While I'm in the washroom they order me a whole pot of soup (and put it on my room card).

We play a lot of video games, and Evgeni ends up leaving around 6pm to go hang-out with his teammates.

Me and Pasha play a few more rounds of Mario Kart before he says good-bye, telling me that he wants to call to check-up on his family. 


Today we're flying to Washington, and before we board Jonathan asks me if we can sit beside each other. I smile and agree, he's probably the best choice.

"Hey, Hailey. When we get to Washington, I think we should go out somewhere." He mumbles.


"Y-yeah. That's cool. That's super cool. That sounds like a really super cool thing that we should do." I stutter.

One again I see his brown eyes soften and his face brighten into a smile. I can tell that he enjoys my company, and I really enjoy his too.

But in the back of my mind all I can think about is Henrik. And that's probably when I realized that whatever we had going needed to end. My stomach started to drop even lower when I remembered how this man was married to a beautiful woman. A beautiful woman that was waiting anxiously for him to come home. His home in Sweden. 

"Hailey, I'm glad we got the opportunity to meet." Jon says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Thanks, I'm glad I met you too, Jon." I say with a small smile.

He looks at me and nods his head, almost in a victorious way. Then he puts his headphones in and closes his eyes.


The next rest of the day is pretty quiet. I spend most of my time in my room, thinking about how stupid I've been. It still shocks me that I let myself get caught up in Henrik. A married man. 


When Sunday morning rolls around I'm caught off guard by a knock at my door. I can't help but smile as I see Jonathan is standing there, holding a bouquet of flowers. And I begin to blush at how adorable he looks, wearing a blue plaid shirt and some jeans.

Before I begin to squeal I remember that I'm only wearing boxers and a t-shirt, (not to mention the shirt is covered in ice-cream stains).  I invite him in, and so he awkwardly shuffles towards a small couch and sits.

"I'll be out in like two seconds, just let me put something appropriate on." 


I end up throwing on some yoga pants and plain white shirt. 

"Ready to go?" He asked brightly.

"For sure." I said, flashing him a toothy smile.


At first it was kind of awkward, we didn't speak much. I didn't really know what to say, especially because I felt like my clothing put me way out of place. Jonathan has decided to take me to what seemed like a 20 star restaurant, with dark wooden walls and large ceilings in which beautiful crystal  chandeliers hung.

I ordered some salmon and Jonathan had some steak. It wasn't until right after our food was brought to the table that we began to engage in conversation.

"You look really nice today, Hailey." He said quietly.

I couldn't help but blush a little, "Thank you, Jon. So do you."

"This whole tour thing has been kind of crazy, huh? We've been doing some pretty interesting things." He stated.

I nodded, "Yeah, it has been pretty strange. But it's been fun, too. I think New York was my favourite stop so far. I'd never been before that."

Jonathan looked pretty surprised, as if he was expecting I'd been to New York hundreds of times. "Really? Huh. I kind of liked Pittsburgh." 

I laughed softly, "Running around in tight pants, that's been your favourite part of the tour so far?" 

He giggled and I couldn't help but join in. "Nah, I suppose that wasn't the absolute best part. Toronto was nice,  I like being able to hang-out with the kids and sign everything for them, and getting to teach them how to play a game. That's always fun."

"You really like giving back, don't you?" I said quietly.

He started twiddling with his thumbs. "I don't know. It's just I've been given this amazing opportunity t-to do what I've always dreamed. Signing a young kid's hockey stick is the least I can do. The least I can do to show them that this could be them, that one day if they never give up they could have the opportunities that I've been blessed with."


"You're one of the sweetest guys I know, Jon." I blurt out.

Jonathan reaches his hand across the table and places it over mine.

"You don't even know how much that means to me coming from you.."


Sorry if it's short or crappy, it's kind of a filler to help me get back into the motion of updating this story more regularly.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2012 ⏰

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