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She started crying again

Streams flowing freely from her eyes

Even though she tried

To hold them back.


I moved over

And placed an arm

Around her shoulder

Pulling her into a hug.

"I'm so stupid."

She sobbed continuously

Starting to hiccup

As she stained my shirt

With salty tears.

"No you're not"

I whispered

"He's the stupid one.

Find a boy

Who treats you like a princess

And loves you for you

And not for your body.

Find a boy

Who would stay awake

Until the morning

To hear your voice all night.

Find a boy

Who isn't afraid to take a risk

And would do anything for you

Because you're worth it."

"You think so?"

She choked out

Breathing heavily

Each breath shuddering

As she threatened

To fall apart.

"I know so."


hashtag i need to start writing faster

little disclaimer this story is COPYRIGHTED therefore if you steal it or anything I can take you to court with my kickass lawyer and we will sue you xoxo

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