Sempre e sempre

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Hey guys, Kaira here! :)

So, I just randomly decided to write this while I was in class because I heard of the recent (May 29, 2012) earthquakes in Italy. So, of course, this little plot bunny popped up. :) Lol, just so you guys know, it's PG-13 for boyxboy (nothing TOO drastic, just kissing :P) and SLIGHT cussing (hell, damn, etc.) Yeah...

As in my other story, I used my (sadly) limited knowledge of languages and Google translate to find the words and the title, which roughly(?) means Forever and Always, though the words were few and far between. Please tell me if anything is wrong! :)

Germany- Ludwig Beilschmidt

Italy- Feliciano Vargas

Read A/N at bottom for the reason the song is over there---> (It's the ending theme for Hetalia- World Series C: )


"Italy, wake up already..." Germany said gruffly, not bothering to knock before striding into the small Italian's room. What he saw made him stop cold.

   Italy, the usually air-headed, stupidly happy country who always greeted him with a "Veh~! Ciao, Doitsu!" or "Doitsu, Doitsu! Do you have any pasta~?" was curled in on himself, shaking and whimpering quietly.

   "I-Italy?" Germany asked, taking a slow step forward. At that moment, Italy's shaking got more violent, then it subsided a little, only to start again, but less violent than before.

   Germany practically flew to Italy's side, kneeling beside the bed and uncharacteristically cradling the man to his chest.

   The Italian opened his eyes enough to look at Germany through his eyelashes and managed to stutter, "E-eart-th-q-quak-ke-e," through his trembling. "L-Lud-wi-ig, h-hel-p."

   Germany was at a loss at what to do. Right now, he would almost prefer the problem to be France or England picking on Italy, at least there was something he could do about that. Natural disasters like this, he could only watch, comfort, and hope.

    He set Italy down gently on the bed again, and walked quickly into the kitchen to heat up the leftover pasta that Romano and Italy had made when Romano and Spain came to visit. He didn't bring Italy with him because he was afraid the shaking would get really bad and Italy would hit his head on the floors, or the counters, but the German couldn't help but tap his foot in impatience as the microwave hummed quietly, heating up the pasta.

   When Germany entered the room once again, pasta in his left hand, he saw that Italy's tremors had subsided so now it looked like he was shivering lightly, as if he was cold.

       Italy looked up at him and Germany let out a sigh of relief as the Italian cheered weakly, "Ve~! Doitsu, you're back! And you brought pasta~!"

    Germany smiled softly and handed the bowl to Italy taking a seat at the chair next to the bed. Germany's smiled, however, faded to a sad frown as he saw that Italy's hands were still trembling enough to make the smaller man unable to feed himself. When Italy realized this, he let the fork clatter into the bowl in frustration, tears welling up in his eyes. Frantically trying to prevent a break down to the unstable-at-the-moment country, Germany reached out to the abandoned fork and, not looking at Italy's eyes and blushing lightly, held it to the young-looking man's lips. Italy was taken by surprise, and only hesitated a moment before leaning forward and taking a bite of the offered food.

     After only a small bit of pasta was left, Italy's tremors had almost subsided entirely and he smiled brightly at Germany, "Ve~! Doitsu, I feel so much better! Grazie~!"

    "Ja, ja," Germany mumbled, looking down. "Das ist gut."

    Germany took the bowl and fork and stood up to take it into the kitchen. After making sure the dishes were sparkly clean, he grabbed a book to read while he sat in Italy's room, if only to keep the smaller country company.

    He smiled gently to himself. He was very happy that Italy was feeling better. His eyes widened and his smile snapped into a look of surprise and shock as felt a certain boot-shaped country tackle him into a hug from behind.


  Germany turned around to ask Italy what the hell he was doing out of bed when Italy pushed himself onto his toes and lightly pressed his lips against Ludwig's.

    As Germany's mind frantically tried to understand what was happening, Italy was pulling away. "Germany... I...I'm..." his eyes were wide.

   Ludwig smiled lovingly at him. "Feliciano..." he whispered before pressing their lips together briefly. Ludwig pulled away this time, but pulled Feliciano close enough so the latter could hear his heat pounding.

   "Ludwig... I love you."

Germany didn't hesitate a second before saying, "And I love you, Feliciano. Forever and always..."


Awwww~! :3 Wasn't that cute?

Well, I have to say I'm pretty proud of myself. First finished story. EVER. :D Granted, it WAS a one-shot, but whatever. It still counts.

So I have to ask: Does anyone get the reference I made with Germany and the pasta? Germany, pasta! Pasta, Germany! (<-- lol, another reference XD)

No? Well, I'll post it over there ----> if anyone wants to know.

Tell me what you guys think! :) I really love comments! (<- hint, hint. lol, jk XD)

Anyways, if anyone DOES read and comment, I'm thinking about possibly doing this again, but with Spain and Romano... Tell me if you think I should. The story will have the same (very!) basic plot, but, you know, different... stuff... :S

So... yeah. I think that's it! Bye! :)

Oh, yeah! Translations! DUH! XD Ok, so most (all) of them are pretty obvious but if you really aren't sure:

Ciao- Hello /hi

Grazie- Thank you/thanks

ja, ja- yeah, yeah (XD)

das ist gut- that's good

Doitsu- Germany (Italy's nickname for him C: )

Gee, I probably took up an entire page with my author's notes alone... oh, well! :3

                                                                        ~ Kaira of Dark Thunder

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