Chapter 18

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When our heroes got to the top, they had found Peach's crown. Violet took it into her hand and let Spettro take a sniff of it. But before the ghost pup could get to work, the volcano started to erupt. Everyone screamed in fear, started to head down the volcano in a hurry. That's when they entered a strange looking place. Inside was Professor Elvin Gadd. But it seemed so much younger. He was currently reading, not noticing that the heroes had come in. That's when Spettro ran over to the professor, capturing his attention.

Younger Elvin asked, "H - hey, what's a ghost doing here?!" Spettro barked happily, wagging his tail. He added, "And why does he look like a puppy?"

Crash answered, "Cause he is a puppy."

Younger Elvin turned his head, seeing the heroes and asked, "That's fascinating. I have a lot of questions for the owner of this ghost pup."

Luigi stepped forward as he stated, "That would be me, Professor. My name is Luigi Manfredi."

Younger Elvin questioned, all excited, "Well, Mr. Luigi, can you please tell me more about your friend here?"

Mario decided to interrupt and stated, "We'll explain later, Professor. We could really use your help right now please."

Younger Elvin perked up at this and replied, "My help?"

Cortex nodded and explained, "Yes. You see, we're all from the future."

Younger Elvin was instantly fascinated by this and asked, "The future, huh?"

Aku-Aku added, "Yeah, we came here to find the older Peach and Crash's sister, Coco."

Younger Elvin looked a little confused as he questioned, "But then where is Violet? The princesses are hardly separated."

Violet took a few steps forward and answered, "I'm Violet, Elvin."

Younger Elvin was blown away by this but before he could say anymore, the entire place shook three times. That's when flaming Thwomps flew in, starting to destroy the lab. Mario, Luigi, and Violet quickly grabbed the hose. Crash and Cortex turned the wheel. Spettro was guarding the babies they started to spray the flames with water. But this gave the Elvin of the present an well as Younger Elvin. The heroes headed out of the lab with Elvin, whom seemed disappointed. He petted Spettro sadly, whom just whined.

Younger Elvin commented, "Thanks for playing firemen, everyone. But it looks like this lab's done for. Don't you sweat it, though. I hear there's an affordable lab at the edge of Boo Woods. I think I'll relocate there for a time. I have a hankering to do some paranormal research." Hearing that, Luigi and Violet were trying not to smile at the irony of it. He turned to Luigi and asked, "I guess we'll meet again, eh?"

Luigi nodded as he answered, "Yes, Professor. We will meet again..."

And before Luigi could realize what he was doing, he hugged the young professor. Younger Elvin was surprised at first but then returned it. Everyone smiled at the sight. Luigi pulled out of the hug, allowing Spettro to lick Younger Elvin silly. Younger Elvin laughed as he left them, headed off for Boo Woods. As he did, Crash's watch went off. It was Elvin, from the future.

Elvin commented, "I always wondered why you all looked familiar to me! Now I remember!"

Luigi asked, "Elvin, do you remember the hug I just gave you? And Spettro's ghostly kisses?"

Elvin answered, "That I did! And apparently, thanks to you all, that's how I invented FLUDD and this other idea I just had. Something that will take care of that volcano eruption!"

Crash stated, "Elvin, you rock!"

Elvin replied, "So do you, Crash! So do you!"

With that, they all saw a lot water coming out of the time hole. It quickly put out the volcano's eruption, allowing the heroes to go down into the volcano. Ignoring the possible paradox that they might have caused and Spettro's howlings of happiness, they headed up to the carter of the volcano.


However, when they got to the top, they had discovered a Thwomp and a boulder. Apparently, they were looking forward to the eruption. The boulder decided to take it out on the heroes. They quickly got into the fight, knowing that they had no choice. When Luigi was fighting, he had to stop for a minute to catch his breath. Spettro was with Violet, helping her fight with ghostly wails. Mrs. Thwomp was proving to be rather easy but his mind was starting to wonder.

Mr. L spoke, "What's with you, Junior?"

Luigi rolled his eyes as he answered, "L, I don't want to deal with you right now." He saw that he was in the meadow as he was looking the other way. He added, "L...? What's been with you? You've been awfully quiet since the start of this. More or less."

Mr. L looked over to him and explained, "I'm just thinking about what sir-jumps-a-lot said. That he's proud of me too. I know he was slightly joking but he sounded slightly serious too. But how can that be? I'm always trying to kill him."

Luigi sighed as he stated, "I think it is because you always emerge when I'm in trouble. I think deep down, you are good. Sure Nastasia brainwashed me but it was really Dimentio at the end of the day that used you."

Mr. L got mad, making a fist and hissed, "If I ever get my hands on Dimentio, he's going to regret the day he was born!"

Luigi pointed out, "Dimentio got his just desserts, remember? Thanks to Blumiere and Timpani."

Mr. L asked, "How do we know for sure, though?"

Luigi paled and answered, "I hate when you are right..."

The sounds of Mario shouting in excitement snapped Luigi out of it. He saw that they had defeated Mrs. Thwomp and Mr. Thwomp was willing to give them a ride down the volcano. Everyone was happy, getting victory slobbers from Spettro. Luigi laughed at the sight as he picked up Baby Luigi. Baby Luigi looked at him, smiling. Luigi smiled too, not knowing that for a split second, his eyes were silver.


Meanwhile, down in the volcano, Bowser was happy with having two prisoners. He laughed evilly.

He commented, "This place is a pit! It's hot, stinky, dangerous, and one humongous fire hazard! I love it! Talk about a perfect place for me to build a second castle!"

Just then, Prince Bowser fell in, gaining Bowser's attention. He laughed evilly.

Prince Bowser stated, "This place is so nasty! Boiling hot, reeking, and just made for trouble! Talk about awesome! This is the exact place to build my second castle!"

He walked up, finally noticing Bowser. And that's when things only got weirder...


Wishmaker1028: More paradoxes. Cause why not? Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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