Chapter 24

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Mario groaned as he complained, "L, I need you like I need a hole in my head."

Mr. L approached them, looking up at the alien cloud and teased, "Seems to me that you need that too." He pointed at the crown and added, "But sadly, that's the only weak spot up there, believe it or not."

Coco got out a pair of binoculars, putting down Baby Luigi, and confirmed, "He's right, that crown is our only chance of taking her out once and for all."

Crash asked, "How in the world are we gonna get up there?"

Mr. L answered, "Relax, orange-fur-newby." He turned to Cortex and Coco and questioned, "You two know how build giant robots, yes?"

Cortex stated, "Yes, we both do."

Mr. L took out some blueprints and asked, "Think this little beauty can get us victory?"

Coco and Cortex took a look at them. They both were impressed by his quick thinking as they both nodded in agreement.

Cortex told Mr. L, "Yes, that will more than help."

Peach put down Baby Mario and asked, "Please do not tell me he's going to be constructing another version of Brobot?"

Violet took a look at the blueprints as she answered, "Okay. I won't tell you."

Peach paled as Coco told them, "This is will be perfect for us getting up there."

Cortex turned to Mr. L and stated, "Let's get to work then."

Mr. L replied, "Took the words right out of my mouth, yellow-bald-genius."

With that, the two of them ran off, promising that they would be right back. Crash turned to Mario, completely confused.

He asked, "So what happened to Luigi? And why is this happening now?"

Mario sighed as he explained, "Well, remember when I told you that we took down someone named Count Bleck?" To this, Crash nodded as Mario added, "Well, turns out that Luigi was the one to decide the fate of all worlds. So Count Bleck had Nastasia hypnotize Luigi into believing that he was Mr. L. Mr. L is everything Luigi isn't: brave, good with tools, and completely evil."

Coco perked up at that and questioned, "Wait, if that were the case, then why is helping us?"

Violet stated, "Yeah, that's got me too, Mario. He is helping us."

Peach asked, "Yes he is but why? For what purpose?"

Before Mario could try to answer, that's when they felt the earth shake. Coco picked up Baby Mario while Peach picked up Baby Luigi. That's when they saw a massive version of Brobot. There were several additions to it, slightly looking like Crash as well. Everyone was in awe. It stopped right to them, opening a door in the left foot.

Cortex was standing there as he shouted, "Get in!"

Everyone did as they were told as Violet brought along Aku-Aku. The door closed as the robot stroke a pose. Mr. L was in the cockpit, driving the huge robot.

He stated, proudly, "Elder-hidden-away-princess and Mask-with-an-attitude, meet Brobot-Bandicoot Type!"

Brobot-Bandicoot Type went forward, everyone going into their individual cockpits. Crash was in control of the Wumpa Fruit Cannon. Coco was in control of the Zap Cannon. Violet was in control of the Ice Spheres. Peach was in control of the Star Saws. Mario was in control of the Flamethrowers. Baby Mario and Baby Luigi were both in the Zap Cannon part, the safest part of the robot. Cortex was co-pilot, in control of the missiles. The robot and the alien cloud were locked in close combat. But Mr. L anticipated every move dished out to them.

Mario commented, "Keep it up, L. We got them on the ropes."

Mr. L pointed out, "Slowly but surely, sir-jumps-a-lot."

Crash stated, "This is gonna be a long fight."

Peach replied, "That is true but we got this!"

Aku-Aku woke up, startling Violet a little bit.

She breathed, "Whoa!"

Aku-Aku asked, "Where are we?"

Cortex heard the magical mask and answered, "Brobot-Bandicoot Type. A latest marvel of Mr. L and yours truly."

Coco added, "And this is quite the battle!"

The battle continued, the robot taking a lot of damage. Mr. L gritted his teeth. It was going to be close. All of the sudden, a tentacle came out of the alien cloud. Mr. L tried to react but it was too late. The tentacle smashed the glass of the cockpit, grabbing L. Violet was about to go after him but the tentacle pulled him out of the robot.

Everyone breathed, "L!"

Mr. L struggled against the tentacle as he yelled, "Let me go, Elder-hidden-away-princess and Mask-with-an-attitdude!"

With that, he activated his Thunderbrand, shocking the cloud up close. There was a loud uneasy sound, causing the cloud to vanish along with the tentacle. Mr. L started to fall. Mario quickly reacted, getting to the cockpit, and grabbing Mr. L with the left hand. The cloud had vanished and they saw that it was beyond quiet. Mario knew right off something wasn't right but he looked out to Mr. L. He saw that the bandit had changed back to Luigi. Mario sighed out of relief, parking Brobot-Bandicoot Type. It was over. But why did he feel uneasy? Everyone got out of the robot, helping Mario grab up Luigi.

They saw that he was patched up but out cold. Mario took Luigi into his arms, whispering his praise in Italian. Violet turned to Peach, whom was smiling. The two girls finally had a hug, resulting in both of them crying.

Peach teased, "The worst part is Violet? Daisy is your cousin too now..."

Violet groaned, teasing, "Oh crud..."

To that, everyone laughed. They only thing that they saw had been left behind was a plain old mushroom.

Crash stated, "Well, Uka-Uka has been defeated."

Cortex added, "And the Elder Princess Shroob."

Mario replied, "We all did it together." He paused and asked, holding Luigi close, "But why do I have this uneasy feeling?"

Aku-Aku answered, "I'm not sure but we have done it."

Mario could only nod, not noticing what the babies were up to.


Wishmaker1028: Well we are just about done with this story. Almost there, everyone. Almost! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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