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without changing a part of me, how do i get to heaven?



for the next couple of years, we were happy,  we smiled, giggled and loved, loved so much.
Me, you, and Phil had all sat down and worked out everything, and we had forgave him, which is good, because without you, i don't know where i'd be without him now, and i still won't get behind the wheel of a car anymore. 

i was supposed to die that night, i wish it were me instead of you, but that just didn't  happen, you, we, deserved so much than what was given to us. 

i miss you everyday, and i can't find it in me to move on.



"So you're going to let me drive tonight huh? That's the first time, I better enjoy it. " You laughed and I smiled, chuckling a bit, nodding.

"So where are we going tonight, your majesty" You giggled, opening the door for me. I smiled. "Wherever you want to go, my love" I gave her a cheeky smile and kissed her cheek, sliding into the passenger side of our car.

Things had really worked out, Phil admitted he didn't really know how to handle some of what was going on with his family life going on and admitted he shouldn't have done what he did. I was happy everyone was friends again.

"How aboutttt our favorite restaurant, uhh, that coffee dinner shop?" You smiled big as you got into the car. 

"Sure, let's go" 

You smiled and started to drive and we got on the highway, you were humming along to the beat of whatever song was on the road,

we got to the part of the highway to where you had to turn to get back on a normal road into the town, and you turned right, 

i looked out the window and screamed, a car was going really fast straight as you turned, then crash, 

all i could see was black. i felt the airbags hit us, and i heard you scream, and i felt my arms crackle, breaking. I couldn't open my eyes, I could barely breathe, I felt metal on me and I could taste blood in my mouth

i heard you crying and heard you talking to someone on the phone, 911, and you were crying hysterically  

"yes, i've been in a car crash" sob "my husband isn't conscious,"possible drunk driver," you were sobbing giving the operator all the info about the events that just unraveled, 

the radio was still going, Troye's lyrics to "Heaven" were playing, then I thought of all that i've done to you, 

everything seemed so fast, yet i've hurt you multiple times, maybe this was god's payback to me for being so evil to you, 

i have never really believed in god, or at least, i knew he was there but never thought he really controlled us, 

but as Troye's lyrics played from the radio, I wondered, with  all the shit I've done to you, will I go to Heaven? Will I die at peace?

Before I could think about it more, I finally passed out completely, and the blackness completed me. 

(523 words)

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