Chapter 3: The idol I fell in love with

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Azusa's POV

"So what's your name? Mine's Azusa Asahina," I asked trying to be friendly as we were waiting in the elevator.

"M-My name is Sakura's very nice to meet you Azusa-san," she said formally and bowed yet again.

"You don't have to bow remember?..." I said and without thinking I went and gently pulled her face up " don't need to bow down to anyone here...we're all friends afterall..." I said my voice trailing off as I realize how beautiful she is.

She had light golden hair that hung loose on her shoulder. Her blue eyes with flecks of green seem to glisten in this already well-lit elevator. "You're really...beautiful..." I said sub-consciously. Her cheeks went a pale red and I noticed she was embarrassed. I let go of her face as I blush furiously. "Um...I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable..." I started apologising.

"It's okay..." Sakura-san said. Luckily at that time the elevator stopped and she exited the confined space. "Where's Ema-chan's room?" she asked

"Uh...I'll walk you there..sorry for just now..." I said uneasily.

"No its okay...thank you for the compliment...I-I would...I mean the feeling is m-mutual...its very nice meeting you Azusa-san," she replied awkwardly.

"Uh...its nice meeting you we are...Ema-san's room is in there..." I said gesturing to the door next to me.

"Thank you..." she said and knocked on the door. Ema opened the door and she had an immediate smile on her face. "Sa-chan! You've finished your work already?" Ema-san exclaimed excitedly. I left as I thought I would be intruding on their conversation.

Sakura's POV

"Well yeah...Kyo-Kyo suddenly didn't feel well and then told me to go talk to you and I took his offer in a heartbeat..." I replied. "...I also got lost in this house but luckily this man..." I said gesturing to my left where I thought he stood but I stopped dumb-founded. "Huh?! I swear he was there just a minute ago....well his name was Azusa..." I said my voice trailing off while I pondered how he moved so fast.

"Oh Azusa-san...I'm glad he helped you..this place can get a little took me a while to get used to it too..." Chi-chan replied.

"Really?! But didn't you live here from the start?" I asked on the spur of the moment but covered my mouth realizing it was none of by business.

"It's okay...come in and I'll tell you the story..." Chi-chan said as she opened the door more to let me in. I walked in and made myself comfortable on a chair. "My dad married their mum and I moved in with their really just my step brothers and I only moved in here last year," Chi-chan informed me.

"How many brothers do you have?" I asked curiously.

"I have 13 of them but some live separately and others moved away." Chi-chan said quite sad.

"Oh...I'm sorry..." I said growing sadder too because I know how it feels to lose your sibling.

"Um..its okay so you said you were going to tell me why your a lawyer at such a young age?" she asked one brow raised.

"Um...I'm not that young am I? Anyways well I'm not just a lawyer...I'm also many other things. The reason why I have all these careers is quite personal but I'll tell you anyway because you're my friend..." I said.

"Ok so what is it?" Chi-chan asked curiously.

"My father is a well-known businessman but I am not his daughter...I am adopted...anyways I was very close to my father and mother but the year after I was adopted my mother died in a plane crash. My father suddenly grew colder to me and all I wanted to do was to catch his I decided I needed to be successful in everything so I took up nearly every career I was hard at first but I adapted. Even though I've achieved so much he still doesn't pay attention to me." I looked down as I was on the verge of tears but I stopped myself because crying is a weakness. Chi-chan embraced me so suddenly that I was  surprised. I embraced her back trying my hardest not to cry.

"It's okay now...I'll be here for you okay?" Chi-chan said reassuringly while she let go of me.

"O-okay...I'm sorry if I'm a burden..." I stuttered holding back my tears.

"You're not a burden...would you like some hot cocoa? Hot cocoa can fix anything..." she said as she embraced me again.

"Y-Yeah I would like that..." I said as I smiled.

"Okay follow me," Chi-chan said as she left the room. I quickly trailed behind her. While we drank the hot liquid we talked non-stop about anything and everything. Chi-chan even told me that 8 of her brothers confessed their feelings to her which nearly made me spit out my drink. "Awww...that's so cute Chi-chan..." I said teasing her and she went a dark red.

"What about you you love anyone romanticly?" Chi-chan asked out of nowhere.

"Uh...I'm...uh..." I stuttered not knowing what to say. Then Fuuto-san entered the room and saved me from embarrasment. The door bell rang and Ema-Chan ended up leaving me alone in the kitchen with Fuuto-san. "Your the girl from this afternoon who didn't know I was a pop idol. You're an idiot you know that?" Fuuto-san said arrogantly clearly displaying that he did not care if he hurt my feelings.

"I'm sorry I just didn't know...gosh...have you ever thought of other people's feelings..." I said then I gasped straight away. I said something that I would usually say in front of my friends not aquaintances like Fuuto-san.

Fuuto began laughing. "Wow I never heard you say anything like that are fiesty..." chuckled Fuuto-san.

"Well at least I'm not arrogant like you...." I said aloud without thinking. "...oh my gosh I'm sorry....I'm being mean..." I apologized. I don't know why but something about Fuuto-san made me feel comfortable to speak my mind. "Haha I like speak your mind even though I'm supposed to be some great idol...girls never really talk to me like that..." he said smiling.

"Uh...can you Fuu-chan?" I asked with hope in my voice.

"Haha ok Sakura-chan," he replied.

"Who is this pretty girl in our lounge room?" someone shouted from upstairs. I looked up and saw a familiar face. It took me a few seconds until I screamed. "Tsubaki-sama?!" I shouted hysterically.

~ To be continued ~

So minna, this is the third chapter...did I leave you guys on a cliffhanger...probably not but oh well...why do you thing Sakura screamed out Tsubaki's name? And what do you think about Sakura's life...and what sibling did she lose...reminding you there's more to reveal about her life...ja ne minna and arigatou for reading! O.o

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