Chapter 8: Undercover Love

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Konichiwa minna-san. I am Kiku Honda the personafication of Japan. Wercome to chapter 8 of this "wonderfur" story. *bows* Author-chan is gratefur to arr the reader-chans who have read, voted or commented. Arigatou gozaimasu otaku-chans. Author-chan: Good job Kiku!!! Fighto! Kiku: *sweatdrop* ...hai Author-chan...

*Ding dong* The door bell rang and echoed through out the Asahina residence. Many grumbles and groans are heard as a result like a domino effect and lights turn on. "Who could be here at this time?" Ukyo-san said as he rubbed his eyes.

"I don't know but only one way to find out..." Ema-chan said as she opened the door. The door slowly creaked open and...

"Hello Chi-chan!" screamed a familiar high-pitched voice. A sigh escaped all of their lips.

"Sakura-chan...when I said you can visit anytime, I didn't mean literally any time." Ukyo-san dead-panned as dark aura seemed to grow around his sleepy-frustrated face.

"Sa-chan why are you here this late?" asked Ema-chan with a sweat drop.

"W-well you see my house kind of fell apart because of an earthquake and I need somewhere to stay. Since my dad's estate is in America can I please stay here?" Sakura-chan asked literally begging on her knees.

"Wait slow down...there was an earthquake, your house fell apart and now you need somewhere to stay?" Repeated Tsubaki-san trying to proccess the new information.

"Uh huh...pretty much," Sakura-chan replied.

"Whatever as long as you don't disturb my sleep then I'm fine with it..." Ukyo-san stated as he made his way back to his room.

"Yay!" Sakura-chan celebrated and she ran in with all her luggage. Everyone went to their respected rooms and Sa-chan was told to go to stay in Iori-san's room (since he is currently not the moment *wink wink nudge nudge snorkel snorkel*)

*Next day*

Just when the sunlight broke through the dark clouds of the previous night there was a slight humming sound coming from the kitchen. A happy tune was being hummed to as there was minimal clatter and clanking of cooking utensils and exc. it was Sakura.

Sakura's POV

I hummed and danced around the kitchen where I had already memorised the places of everything from plates or forks to pans and pots. I was cooking eggs, bacon and was making some fresh white rice. (A.N: fun fact kids- rice is life to Asians. This fact is 1000% accurate. I'm an asian I should know) Kyo-Kyo walked in already in his suit and tie but he gave me a shocked reaction as he usually is the first one awake (well other than Masaomi waking up early to go to work)

"Ohayou Kyo-Kyo. How was your sleep?" I asked warmly as I flipped the egg while looking directly at him.

"Ohayou gozaimasu Sakura-chan. My sleep was pretty good, yours?" He asked as he prepared the table for everyone else already knowing who is here still and who is at work. "I slept like a baby...hehe by the way could you tell me who the basketball player person is. I never caught his name," I asked wanting to know because I already sensed that Chi-chan likes the guy.

"His name is Subaru..." The blonde replied setting himself down on the table as I brought the food to the said table. Right when I set it down Azusa-san, Yusuke-san, Subaru-san and Tsu-chan made their way to the table.

They sat down and started eating. But one by one they noticed me as I sat myself down and started dig in. "Y-Your that girl from last night!" As the realisation hit Yusuke-kun like a ton of bricks. "Hehe yeah that's me." I said bashfully and continued to eat.

"Yusuke-kun a normal good morning is what normal people say in the morning," Tsu-chan said teasingly while shoving another forkful of breakfast into his mouth. "By the way the breakfast tastes great, Sakura-chan!" Tsu-chan added.

"Yes I agree with Tsubaki the breakfast is very delicious, Sakura-san." Azusa-san said smiling happily.

"Thanks guys..." I said blushing at all the compliments. At that moment Chi-chan, Wataru-chan and Fuu-chan walked into the dining room. "Good morning Sakura-nee! I didn't know you stayed overnight." Exclaimed Wataru-kun.

"Good morning to you too Wataru-chan! I snuck in while you were asleep like a ninja," I said as I did a karate chop in the air. "Pfft you couldn't hurt a fly if you wanted to!" Fuu-chan stated on the verge of tears of laughter. In a matter of seconds I drop kicked him. "Like I a ninja..." I said as I brought some of my tied up hair to cover my mouth and to mock ninjas mostly. But it got Wataru-chan and a lot of the others laughing except for Fuu-chan who was pissed off.

I gave all of them a goofy grin as I made my way out of the room (like a boss I might add). I then proceeded towards the front door but was caught by Tsu-chan. "Hey there my little kawaii fan! Where are you going?" The white haired man said //sexily//. 'Um...should I let them know where I'm going? Nah...' I thought to myself.

"I'm going to work. Oh by the way I prepared all the lunches for everyone. Could you please tell them about it. Their names should be marked on each container." I said smiling sweetly.

"Hehe you're such a sweet girl you know that. But the reason why I approached you is that I was hoping you could come help me rehearse today." He said pouting a little bit about the fact I couldn't.

"Oh! I could help you tonight if that's okay with you." I said brightening his previous upset expression.

"Thanks Sakura-chan! I can't wait for our rehearsal." Tsu-chan said.


So I have changed into the uniform for Fuu-chan's high school. I even put myself in a little disguise since I don't want them asking why I'm not at work...I have a black wig and I'm wearing non-prescripted reading glasses.

I check myself and I nodded in satisfaction and rushed to the school. Not wanting to be late.

Around 15 minutes later I found myself standing inside an assembly hall. I thought it would be harder to find Fuu-chan since he's a pop idol and most idols like to hide the fact they're famous. But I thought wrong. But I should've guessed it he is quite arrogant.

"Fuuto-sama! Fuuto-sama!" Is all I heard from the screaming fangirls (and some fanboys) that swarmed around the smug-looking 16 year old. I rolled my eyes at their blind ignorance. I'm not saying Fuu-chan isn't good enough for the fangirls but he's just milking every second of the fans.

I sighed heavily just a little bit pissed off at how much attention he's getting. "There'll be enough Fuuto to go around ladies...*wink*" he said obnoxiously. -3- He's an idiot...


'I got home safely...yay!' I thought as I adjusted my tie of my work uniform. 'You see reader-chans, with the mafia tracking me I have to stay undercover, right? And do to do that I have to go to school. Though I don't want to trouble or even let any of the Asahinas to know I'm targeted by the mafia so...I must go under another disguise. As another person. At school I'm Ayami Kimura. At home I'm Sakura Kurosowa. And at idol work I'm Hoshimi-tan! Wow my life -3-...' I puffed cold air as I rang the doorbell to the residence.

Hopefully that was not too much to just stuff into one paragraph and all. And also sorry pr breaking the fourth very subtly. As well as that I'm very sorry for not updating. I didn't have any internet at home cuz we're moving and all that crap. I'll update more now that I'm staying at my grandmas house for ten days. ^3^ again sorry minna-san! *bows deeply*


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