Chapter 4

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The first week went by in a flash. A lot of time  was spent with my amazing friends and a lot of time just trying to convince myself that Mullingar was going to be okay. The only thing I still had to do was tell Jake.

Every time we were together over the past week, I felt guilty from hiding something like this from him, but I just could not bring myself to do it, no matter how hard I tried to. But now it was Sunday and in a week we would be at the airport. I didn’t want to leave him with him being mad because I hadn’t told him in advance so I decided I was going to do it today. Maybe the reason I couldn’t bring myself to do it was because I wasn’t sure what would happen to us. Would I leave him as a friend or as a girlfriend who he was going to be in a long distance relationship with? It was all too confusing, hence why I had pushed it to the back of my mind. But I was going to do it today, face to face.

To: Jake <3

Hey babe <3 are you free today? Need to get out of the house! You in for some Starbucks at 3? Love you, xxx

His reply was almost instant:

From: Jake <3

Of course. I was just about to text you actually, haha.  Max is pissing me off. Little brothers can be sooo annoying. Meet at Starbucks then? Love you too xx

I loved the picture that showed up on my screen whenever he texted or called me. It showed off his dark brown hair and the flash made his hazel eyes sparkle in the light. His face was clear and he had one cute dimple on his left side. So hot.

To: Jake <3

Sounds great <3 see you then, can’t wait xxx

Sighing, I dumped my phone on my bed and pulled myself off my bed and over to my mirror. Man, I needed to put some more effort into my appearance. So I went into the bathroom and opened my cabinet. Biting my lip, I chose some mascara and dashed it on lightly, careful not to overdo it. After adding some eyeliner, I decided I couldn’t be bothered caking on any foundation, this would just have to do.

I chucked on my jeans and a white top, then grabbed my purse, checking the time on my phone. 2:50. I would have to run. Stupid driving ages. Only one more year though!

10 minutes later I found myself sitting in the corner of Starbucks with an iced mocha in hand, watching a confused Jake wander in. I saw his face relax when he finally spotted me though, sending me a wave and a wink, then ordering something and finally sitting down opposite me.

“What took you so long babe?” I asked, slightly disappointed with the fact he just sent the cashier a wink which I hadn’t failed to notice. Seriously, flirting right in front of me? That was new.

“Um did you just –“

“No, she is an old friend.” He interrupted, realising I saw the wink.

“Are you sure because you have never mentioned her before!” I stated, getting slightly annoyed when the girl took an extra-long time handing Jake his drink.

“Yes babe I’m sure. But how are you? I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages! And why didn’t you come to the party last night babe, it was rad! There were like all these bitches trying to hit on me but don’t worry I ignored them because I have your love!” He exclaimed, clearly oblivious to my schocked expression.

Wow. Stay humble.

“Well actually I didn’t have any idea there was a party but that’s not really what I wanted to talk to you about.” I stated, scanning his expression.

“Well, what is it then. Because I have rugby practice in half an hour and I don’t want to be late again, as I am sort of one of the team’s best players if you don’t mind me saying,” He laughed. He should really work on his modesty or something.

“Okay, well I will get straight to it then. My dad sort of got offered this new kind of job thing, where he gets to work less and be paid more because there is like some sort of great doctor business, which by the way, I am completely confused about and so we um… we have to….” I stuttered nervously but the words just wouldn’t slip off my tongue.

“Have to what babe?” He asked, clearly very curious at this point.

“Um we have to move. To Ireland!” I blurted out and I watched his face change from curious to completely bewildered.

“What the actual fuck?” He exclaimed, his mouth hanging open.

“Delilah, when the hell are you moving. If it’s less then a month I will be so mad.”

“Um. Next Sunday?” I squeaked, suddenly feeling very nervous of his reaction.

“And when were you going to tell me this exactly?” He asked.

“Um, now.” I shot back, suddenly feeling quite defensive.

“Whatever Del. I guess that’s it for us then.” He said simply, grabbing his jacket and storming out the café door. I watched as a tear dripped into my empty cup. I was crying my eyes out.

For about the billionth time this week.

*Authors Note*

Poor Delilah:( I wonder what Mullingar will be like for her. Tbh i dont really like her boyfriend he was so up himself. Lawl.

Soooo anyway please comment what you think about this chapter! Too short? Too long? Not enought happening? Please comment your feedback, it would mean the world. 

Yayyyyy its Friday im sooo happy! But i swear all my friends like hate me because i always invite them over and they say they are busy, and then they do things with each other without me. :( but oh well.

Please remember to keep commenting and voting!!! I LOVE YOU ALL SOO MUCH!

-emily xxxxx

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