Chapter 6

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I tapped my fingernails nervously on Ms Morrison’s mahogany desk. I racked my brain for other possibilities as to why she had called me up, but none came to mind. Well, I thought, let’s just get this over and done with because I’ll be moving soon anyway.

“Delilah, do you know why I called you up here?” She asked, raising her head to watch my reaction.

“Um, no?” I mumbled, preparing for her to have a fit at me.

“Is that so? Well, I received an email from your mother last night, and I have to say, it was quite a shock!” She exclaimed as she began lining up her pencils neatly.

What was she talking about?

“You’re moving to Ireland I hear. Well I have to say, I am not very happy that you only told me a week in advance but I do have to say, Ireland is a very beautiful place. You are very lucky my dear. May I ask where in Ireland?”

Oh. She was talking about moving.

“Yeah, I guess I am. Um, we are going to Mullingar. It’s a small town, you probably won’t have heard of it before.” I replied, beginning to pick my fingernails.

“Oh, but I have! My darling sister lives there! So when I come to visit her, I must come and see you too! I could catch you up on class work and things!” She beamed.

“Oh, um, sure, I guess. I don’t really know much more but I’m sure mum will tell you or something.” I began, not exactly ecstatic that my teacher wanted to visit me in Ireland.

“OK, you do that then Delilah. Oh, it’s period 1! Off to class now,” She said, suddenly becoming a bit stricter. I hope she wouldn’t come and visit me in Ireland.


I felt a sense of dread wash over me, as I zipped up my final suitcase, shoving my last pair of socks in with everything else. This was it. Today was the day I would be leaving everything, and everyone behind me.

What would Ireland be like? Would everybody hate me for my accent? Would I make new friends? Would I even like it there? The funny thing was, even though I was from Australia, I still had a London accent, the reason being because I was born there and had lived there for the first 7 years of my life.

A knock on the door awoke me from my slight daydream and I hastily walked over to my grey door, wondering who it was. I was greeted by the sight of my 6 best friends at my door, every single one of them crying. It didn’t take much for me too start sobbing my eyes out too.

“Oh my god. Del, I can’t believe this is actually happening. I am going to miss you so much!” Lucy told me, engulfing me in a massive hug.

Pretty soon all of us were in a big group hug, while tears dripped on the dark carpet left, right and centre.

“Guys, I don’t think we should wait until the airport, let’s just give Del her present now!” Jess said as her and Liv rushed out the door and came back seconds later, carrying something huge.

I gasped as I saw what it was. They were carrying a massive basket filled with all of my favourite things. They handed me the gift and I could not supress the downfall of more tears that escaped my eyes. I was the luckiest person ever.

“We really hope you like it Delilah. We will all miss you so much, so we decided to get you something memorable! Holy shit I’m gonna miss you Del!” Grace said, wiping tears from her freckled face.

“Grace Evans, was that you? Watch your language!” My mum called jokily from across the hallway. Man, I swear that lady had super sonic hearing or something. We all laughed at my mom’s dry sense of humour.

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