Chapter 10

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I was not expecting this. Instead of looking after Charlotte with a nice old lady, I was now looking after her with a semi famous teenager.

I heard the door slam, signalling that my parents had left and that was when it hit me. I looked like a girl that had just been run over by a train. I was pretty sure my hair was a raggedy mess, my eyes represented a panda and I was wearing my old pyjamas. I was wearing no make up whatsoever, although that didn’t really bother me. I had never been the type to obsess over makeup, but I wore a little bit sometimes.

The next thing I knew, the lounge door was open and I was tackled by an 8 year old on a sugar high.

“Del! Guess what? Niall is staying here tonight!” Charlotte grinned and got up to sit on the cushion next to me.

“Yeah, I heard! But not all night, Charlotte. He will leave when mum and dad get home, okay?” I asked.

“Yeah okay. What time do I have to go to bed?”

“What time did mum say?” I sighed as she sat on my knee.

“7.30.” I heard a deep voice from the doorway say. I looked in that direction to see a boy standing there, awkwardly smiling at me. I immediately noticed his bright blue eyes. His hair was blonde, with brown roots and he was wearing a plain white t-shirt with some black skinny jeans. I had to admit, he had really nice legs.

What was I even thinking? He was probably really annoying, the only reason I was staring at him was because he was just a stranger. Right?

“Okay. Thanks. Niall, was it?” I questioned, slightly awkwardly.

“Yeah. Delilah?” He laughed.

“Yes! But you can just call her Del! Everybody else does!” Charlotte interrupted, and I immediately winced. It wasn’t that I didn’t want him to call me Del, I just didn’t really let anybody except for friends and family call me that. He certainly wasn’t either.

“Okay, shut up now Charlotte” I blushed and I saw Niall smirk.

“Let’s get you into bed then Charlotte, come on! Have you brushed your teeth?” Niall broke the awkward silence.

20 minutes later, I was sitting on the couch, back to watching TV, while Niall was putting Charlotte into bed upstairs. My phone was currently dead and I had no energy left within me to go and retrieve my charger.

I jumped when I suddenly heard a voice behind me.

“So, um, Charlotte’s in bed.”

“Thank you.” I smiled warmly at Niall.

He sat down on the couch next to me, but I noticed he left a fair gap between the two of us. I watched as he awkwardly pulled out his phone, then cursed under his breath.

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing, my phone just died. Sorry” He laughed and I joined in.

“That’s funny, mine did too.”

The next hour and a half was spent making polite conversation and I got to know Niall a lot better. He was actually a hilarious guy and he laughed a lot.

“So how many siblings do you have?” I asked him as I recovered from my recent coughing fit.

“Just an older brother, Greg. I wish I had a younger sibling though.” He answered and he smiled, like he was remembering something.

“Yeah, you seem really good with kids, Charlotte obviously loves you!”

“Thanks, she’s a good kid.”

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