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THIS NIGHT I was accompanied by extremely loud rock music coming from the house across mine. The owner was holding a party, a tall dashing boy that had been my neighbor for years but we never talked much at the university. They celebrated belated Valentine's day where every couple from college came to make out and make love. He did not invite me personally and also nobody asked for a date. There were a few dozen reasons why I chose to stay inside my house alone as my mother left me on vacation to Bali with her rich boyfriend.

The wind gusting through the branches of the tree heading to my room crashed through the frost glass door of the window. Still the party was an absolute noise disrupting the silence I had been enjoying for these three days. Nevertheless, I spent more time on the bed, wandering escapades from my wild dreams.

It had been a full month since the first time I slumbered in the same space. It was frightening in the first nights, as I always took a role as a young mutant girl with infinity superpower whose advanced abilities as well as a secret agent. But I enjoyed those moments better than reality itself. Somehow, I figured out that the longer I undertook in dreams, the longer ache I suffered in broad daylight. I was almost insensible by exhaustion I got in classes lately, skipped physical training and worse concentration to the wallboard.

Fortunately my mother gave no care about what happened to my grades. She just wanted me to live life as a healthy cheerful girl busy with dating or a part time job like waitress position in a restaurant to shape my own income so I would not bother her earnings monthly because my father died a long time ago and I was too young to know the cause, yet mother had been avoiding to talk about it. It affected me nothing since I was not one of the fancy ladies on campus where dressing or makeup like Kylie Jenner was not necessary. I was more like a piece of the nerds, as I spent my time more with books than humans, and I scored high points in many online games. Even the boys at college were amazed, but it turned out as a mockery instead of an attraction.

My sluggish steps headed to the kitchen to have similar drab activity but it was getting more and more exciting every night as what comes next after the drowsiness drugs caused — sleepiness. Dreams always sounded so much better, so I would just be there forever if I could. After having my drug, I rushed to bed to have a better life in fantasy.


I woke up again as MORGAN.

My right hand had been bandaged with gauze made from Aramid fiber — synthetic fiber that is highly regarded for its strength and heat resistance — as the main fabric threads of firefighter suits. Professor Montgomery modified it to be able against fire. It was wrapped because training last week was outstanding. I spread fire from each inch and I was accidentally burnt. It was a fortune that I could do a lot of remarkable abilities that I could remedy the scorch all over my skin in the whole day. The next experience reminded me to keep myself from turning into flames, but still I invented some improvement to only shoot fire with my right hand that had been covered so I would not waste a long while to just cure the burn.

I left my room as soon as I finished my nutrition supplies to the yard I used to train in. The sun was not too high yet, but it was perfect to do some training as the heat sometimes killed me and kind of burned my skin. I ran towards a man who stood in the corner under the maple tree. He was so tall until the branches of the tree touched his caesar hair.

"Jim?" I never thought it was someone else when I got close enough to have some conversation with him, but I didn't really expect his attendance in this yard. The physical training was over, I had been enjoying the supernatural powers with Claire lately. "Training today is with you?"

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