Octavia and Fox

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Nia had gotten tired of the screams that had come from the drop ship

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Nia had gotten tired of the screams that had come from the drop ship. She wanted to help the way she was trained to, but she could risk her life for it. Lincoln and her had made a deal that she would watch during the day and he would at night. It gave her time to visit the butterfly fields again.

That evening she sat in the field and took in the butterflies around her. She was so lost in thought, that she didn't hear the person coming up behind her.

Octavia wanted to visit the butterfly field that day. Atom had been avoiding her and she knew that her brother had something to do with it. She wanted to clear her mind from the events at camp. She paused when she saw a person sitting in the middle of the clearing. Her appearance allowed Octavia to know that it wasn't one of her people there. Slowly and cautiously, she made her way forward.


A twig under Octavia's foot caused both females to look at one another. They stared at each other for a minute before Nia sprung up and tried to run. Octavia jumped at the sudden movement but call out to her.

"Wait. Please."

Nia stopped and stood frozen. She did not know why she decided to stop for this girl but there she stood. Slowly, she turned to Octavia and eyed her cautiously.

Octavia watched the girl in front of her. She observed her bow on her back and the tattoos that lingered her arms. Finally, she decided to speak. "I'm Octavia. What's your name?" She said as she gestured to herself.

Nia stood for a moment contemplating whether or not to tell Octavia. From what she can tell Octavia looked harmless. She took a deep breath before speaking.

Octavia then strode forward without hesitation and took a seat. She looked up at Nina and gestured in front of her. Nia looked at her questionably before taking a seat.

"So tell me about yourself." Octavia said with a smile.

Nia knew she shouldn't be talking to Octavia but the way she had treated and looked at Nia made her change her mind. But instead of telling her about herself she told Octavia to tell her about herself.

Nia listened intently as Octavia spoke of where they were from, about her life and what problems she was currently having. She was surprised about how quickly Octavia warmed up to her. Nia only told her bit and pieces of her life. She didn't want to give away too much in case Octavia's brother decided to ask. But she also made the decision to not tell her people about what Octavia confided in her.

Octavia winched as pain shot up through her leg. Nia caught the movement and remembered when they first came down she had seen Octavia limping. Nia motioned to her leg and Octavia looked at her confused.

"I'm a healer." Nia said motioning to Octavia's leg again.

Octavia lifted her pant leg and told Nia of the incident as Nia examined the wound. After she was finished she reached into her bag and pulled out a vial of clear liquid.

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