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Lexa and Clarke stood side by side as they looked at the pile of ashes in front of them

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Lexa and Clarke stood side by side as they looked at the pile of ashes in front of them. It had been silent among the two but Lexa decided to share some background about herself. She didn't know why she was opening up to Clarke but she had a feeling inside her she couldn't explain.

"I lost someone special to me too. Her name was Costia. She was captured by the Ice Nation whose queen believed she knew my secrets. Because she was mine, they tortured her, killed her. Cut off her head." Lexa began to tell Clarke.

"I'm sorry." Clarke said simply.

"I thought I'd never get over the pain. But I did." Lexa continued to speak as she remembered the painful part of her past but what helped her through it was Nia. Her sister had refused to leave her side as she tried her best to comfort her. She remembered the countless tears she had shed but Nia had brought her from the edge and kept her sane.

"How?" Clarke questioned wanting some way to stop herself from the hurt.

Lexa took a moment to answer. She didn't necessarily want to tell Clarke about Nia. She didn't want her sister to get hurt but she also need to put up her façade. "By recognizing it for what it is. Weakness." It was something they lived by it helped them become stronger and better soldiers.

"What is? Love? So you stopped caring about everyone. Your sister." Clarke said trying to understand them somehow. But something knew that she cared about her sister more than she would lead on.

Lexa remained silent knowing that she wouldn't ever let anything happen to Nia. But she was the commander she needed to be strong and show everyone that she didn't have a weakness. "Nia can take care of herself. She always has."

But even with her answer Clarke simply spoke knowing she could never let her loved one think they were weaknesses. "I could never do that."

"Then you put the people you care about in danger. And the pain will never go away. The dead are gone, Clarke. The living are hungry." Lexa informed Clarke hoping that she knew what she was doing.

After their conversation they went back to their groups and awaited the time for them to eat. Nia didn't want to bother Lexa but something was pestering at her. So with a deep breath she left Jade to go find Lexa. When she found her she didn't say a word but sat beside her.

It was a minute before Lexa broke their silence. "I told Clarke about Costia."

Nia was surprised about that information. She knew what Costia meant to Lexa and that it was a topic Lexa hadn't talked about in awhile. Lexa was changing and Nia feared it might mean bad things for her. But she took a deep breath knowing she couldn't keep things from Lexa.

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