Chpt. 2 The Being

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Cust and Tom were trying to get my attention. 


I finally snapped back to reality.

Tom "Are you alright?" as he had a worried expression on his face.

"Yeah..." I said with a confused and scared look, staring at the chaos in front of me.

Cust "It looks like hell out there. If this is really happening, we need to get out of here now!" he said with an alarming tone.

We went through the gaping hole and made our way through the city.

Cust "I know a place where we can be safe. There's an underground base around the south side. And as what I'm seeing from the news-" he looked down at his phone while we ran, "the robots have yet to attack there"


Another explosion had gone off. 

We stopped in our tracks only to notice a few people in dire need, fighting back at this...  flying beast. All I could see was that beast destroying every last one of them. 

I was shocked.

One of them had dropped a gun as they fell to the ground, looking lifeless.

I looked towards Tom. He had that look... that look you would only have when you want to protect everyone else but yourself.

"Tom?" I asked. 

He looked at me and said, "We need to do something" 

"Don't be a hero, please" I said in a soft tone. 

At that second, I saw Tom rush towards the mayhem, grabbing the gun as he slid behind a huge rock.

Infinite "Well, Well. How lovely it is to have another to destroy"

Cust "That kid is going to get himself killed" he ran right after Tom. 

Infinite "As if the world gave me a double win"

I looked up. My eyes widened at what I was seeing before me. A red and black aura started to form around the beast, a burst of energy was being released... and it was focusing on my friends. I started running towards them-


The blast of energy completely destroyed the rock... and my friends.


That was all I could think. 

I quickly ran to them and kneeled down. They were alive but, I could feel their bodies getting weaker by the second. A fit of rage slowly started forming inside of me.

I was about to do something stupid.

I got up and walked right in front of the beast. Standing my ground.

Infinite "Hm?"

He looked confused as to why someone inferior to him was confronting him with such confidence.

Infinite "Do you really want to die? You could have spared yourself by running off"

"You.Hurt. My. Friends." I angrily said.

Infinite "You didn't seem to care about them when they came running to save others"

I was hurt by that statement. I could feel my legs getting weaker, my cowardly side coming out.

"NO. You don't know me. You don't know what I'm capable of" I confidentially said.

He was surprised. 

Infinite "Well played"

He quickly teleports to my left side and whispers to my ear.

Infinite "Names Infinite. I could tear you up any second, but I'll let you live this time my dear"

I stood in shock as he teleports away. I retained my conscious and ran towards my injured friends. They were gone.

They wouldn't just leave like that. I was all alone. I had lost everything.

I headed towards the tunnel. Into our little hideout and stayed there to just rethink everything that just happened.

I had an Idea of where to go. An underground base around the south side, where the robots haven't attacked. I knew about it since Cust had worked with the people there before.

It was a long shot but I got my grappling hook and watch. I started heading out. I ran as fast as I could to the south. I only had the grappling hook if I encountered someone who can use it since I can't.

It took me 20 minutes but I finally found it. I found the door, it was locked so I knocked.

"Name" This red echidna said.

"Y/N" I said.

"Doesn't ring a bell" he said.

"I'm Cust's friend. Something horrible happened to him" I said.

He looked at me for a second, then he let me in. He led me to a place where there was a small amount of people. Inside had a big screen, like a military base where it has buttons.

Knuckles "Now don't try to do anything stupid you might regret, I'm Knuckles, commander of the rebellion"

Amy "I'm Amy Rose"





Knuckles "Now that introductions are done, what happened?"

"Cust and my friend Tom got attacked by this being called Infinite" I said.

Knuckles "Infinite?"

Silver "Isn't that what finished off sonic?"

Knuckles "It.. Is"

"My friends got hurt, but I took them to a safe place but after Infinite told me something, they were gone. I know they wouldn't just run off" I said.

Knuckles "Hm. What did he tell you?"

"Names Infinite, I could tear you up. But I'll let you live my dear" I said.

"What!" The whole group exclaimed.

Knuckles "He just let you live?"

I nodded.

Knuckles "And his power is more deadlier than we suspected"

Knuckles "Well since you helped us, Welcome to the rebellion rookie"

A/N: Wow, 605 words in this chapter. I hoped you liked it. And if I made a spelling mistake excuse me on that :)

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