Chpt. 3 The Rescue

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Your POV

We began to think of strategies on how we will be able to get my friends back.

Knuckles "No No NO, None of these plans will work" said desperately "Eggman is too strong. he'll out number us"

Silver "But we have to try, strength doesn't just come in numbers"

Knuckles "Sigh Fine. Any other ideas?"

Amy "Maybe if Dr. Eggman took them then they should be in one of the many chambers he has"

Knuckles "We're getting on to something"

A blue hedgeghog came in the room.

Blue hedgehog "Getting what"

Knuckles "Hey Sonic! We will like you to meet our newest recruit, Y/N" he points at me.

"Hey I've seen you before" I said.

Sonic "Who hasn't? I'm the blue blur!"

Amy and I giggled.

Knuckles "Hey wait a second" he starts looking at the map again "Sonic could break into the chamber with Y/N backing him up"

Sonic "Alright I'll do it"

"Yeah" I said

Knuckles "Ok, Move out!"


Sonic and I arrived at the chamber. There were many bots outside guarding the entrance. We had to find a different way to get in. I'd spotted an opening on our right. I signaled Sonic and told him. He nods and goes distract the bots on the left and while I go make a run for it to the opening.

Sonic "Meet you there Y/N" He took off.

I started running towards the opening.

"Yes" I whispered.

Suddenly Infinite showed up, floating in front of me.

Infinite "So. We meet again my dear"

I gasp.

Infinite "Oh how adorable thinking you'll be able to find your friends here"

I finally got the guts to say something.

"Where are they!" I demanded.

Infinite "Why should I say?"

"B-Because they're my friends, my closest friends. They've been there for me in the bad and good times of my life" I said.

Infinite "Hmph, how lovely that you care about you're friends so much-"

Suddenly Sonic came in and spindashed Infinite. Infinite came crashing down as Sonic landed right next to me.

Infinite "Who dares!"

Sonic "I dare"

Infinite "Blue hedgehog?!? You!" He sent out this wave. Everything suddenly became red and we started floating off the ground. Canons started to appear out of no where. They started shooting cannon balls at us. One was heading straight at Sonic.


Sonic grunts as he slams on the ground. He got knocked out.

I gasp in fear.

I didn't notice but a cannon ball was heading towards me. I turned around and saw a glimpse of it.

"No!" I said as I covered my head.

All of a sudden Infinite came, got a hold of me moved me out of the way and let go of me.

"What?" I said suprised as I uncovered my eyes.

Infinite just stared at me for a few seconds and left.

I shook it off and headed towards Sonic.

He was gone too...

A/N: I hope you liked this story, I would be grateful if you vote :)

Also excuse me if I made any spelling errors.

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