Chpt. 5 Regen

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2nd POV

Knuckles "Woah Woah-Woah, HEY!" He said as you fell in his arms.

Amy "What happened?!?"

Knuckles "I don't know, she just came and-"

Silver "We have to get her to a hospital"

Knuckles "There are no hospitals around here! Atleast not one that's standing"

Charmy "Let's put her down in the health room"

Knuckles nodded. They quickly took you to the health room. Looked liked the doctors but a little less clean and greyish.

Your POV

"Wha-" I said as I wake up. I found myself in a room to help those injured.

"Where am I?" I asked myself.

I looked at myself, I was all bandaged up. My leg on the other hand had big bandaged on it. I was able to move it without being hurt. I tried getting up, looking down at my leg and taking a step.

Voice "I wouldn't do that if I were you"

I heard someone say.

"Huh?" I said as I looked up to find a red/black hedgehog in front of me, crossing his arms.

Red/Black Hedgehog "You need to go sit back down on the bed"

"And you are?" I asked.

"I'm Shadow, Shadow the hedgehog. The ultimate life form" He said.

He came over to me and helped me get on the bed.

Shadow "I'm supposed to be watching you"

"Can you tell me what happened?" I asked.

Shadow "You fell unconscious after you knocked on the door. We took you here since there were no standing hospitals in this area"


An alarm rang.

"Hey whats going on?!?" I said as I looked at Shadow.

Shadow "We're under attacked!"


A huge explosion was heard.

Shadow "Stay here" He started heading towards the door, until I stopped him.

I was able to get up on my feet, limping but walking.

"I'll go with you" I said.

Shadow "You're to hurt, you can't fight"

"I can" I said.

Shadow "Alright fine. Stay behind me"

We started walking towards the main base area. There had been an explosion in the wall. Everyone had been taken, except for knuckles. He was underneath some rubbish. We helped him up.

Shadow "What happened"

Knuckles "Cough They.. got taken by Eggman"

Shadow "That son of a-"

"Are you ok?" I asked.

Knuckles "Yes, I'm fine. How are you up and running so quickly?"

"It hurts, but I can't just be standing around" I said.

° "Muwahaha"

"Wha?" I said as we turn around to find Eggman and his robots behind us.

Eggman "Well Well Well, fancy meeting you here"

Knuckles "WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM!" He was furious.

Eggman "Kept them in a safe place, it's nice in there. They've got chains, hm.. that's it. Also it's guarded by many bots so they'll definetly be safe" He said with a smirk.

Shadow "You messed with the wrong people" he came in and attacked one of the bots. Until he got smacked by Eggmans biggest robot, which he was controlling.

Eggman "You pathetic bafoons don't stand a chance" He got a hold of Knuckles and Shadow.

Shadow "We Grunts can't get out" Trying to break free out of the hands of the giant robot.

Eggman "And you. The new recruit? Oh please, look at you. You look so weak laughs"

"Let them go!" I yelled.

Eggman "I don't like your tone" He points a huge blaster towards me. If I would run away, he would've got me since I'll be slower than him.

"Say goodbye" He starts up the blaster.

A/N: This was almost 600 words! Well, I hope you liked it! Excuse me for my mistakes :)

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