Chapter Four - Kisses

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Leaving the cupcakes on the coffee table, Louis pushed Niall and Liam back a little and wrapped his arms around Harry, who leaned into his chest. He was completely silent except for his shallow breathing. Louis stroked his hair tenderly.

"I'm here, babe. What were they doing?"

Harry frowned, leaning back so could look at Louis properly. He shook his head.

"Louis!" said Liam indignantly. "We didn't do anything to him."

Harry looked at Liam and nodded, then returned his gaze to Louis.

"Yeah," agreed Niall. "We were just trying to talk to him a bit and he squirmed around a bit and pulled something brown and furry out his pants. Looked closer, and it was a tail! Can you believe that?"

Louis chuckled, nodding. "I know, Ni. Are you guys okay with this?"

Liam nodded. " you know what he is?"

"Erm, not entirely...he did mention he was a hybrid - part human, part cat."

"So he talked to you?" asked Niall.

"Yeah. Hey Harry, do you wanna say hi to them? It's okay, they just want to hear your lovely voice," cooed Louis.

Harry leaned into Louis. "Hi," he said clearly, then looked away once more.

"Good job, sweetie," said Louis.

He pulled Harry closer again and Harry mewled, pushing a bit of Louis' shirt up so he could touch the skin of his side. Louis shivered at the touch.

"Um...what do they feel like?" asked Niall.

Louis shrugged. "His ears are really soft and delicate, and I assume his tail would be the same but I haven't touched that yet."

Harry looked up at that. "Yet?"

Louis tensed. Had he said something wrong? "Erm, yeah. If that's okay- sorry." Something about having the hybrid's steady gaze on him made him nervous.

Harry showed a small smile that made Louis relax, then let go of his tail so it could wave under Louis' nose. Louis crinkled it, laughing.

"That tickles!"

He shook his head a few times and moved out of Harry's reach, then stuck his tongue out at him. The hybrid relaxed his tail and let it drop back to his lap, a small smile on his face.

"Can I, um...can I touch your ears, Harry?" asked Niall.

Harry shook his head slowly, keeping his eyes focused on his lap.

"Aww, why not?"

Liam shushed his boyfriend with a peck on the lips. "Leave him alone, babe. He said no."

Louis admir- no, he observedHarry for a moment before he turned to Liam and Niall who had been staring bemusedly. "So...who wants a cupcake?"

Immediately, the silence disappeared as Liam and Niall rushed for the plate, and Louis took two, handing one to Harry and keeping one for himself.

"Do you like cupcakes, Harry"?

Harry shrugged, taking the one he was offered. He watched how the others ate theirs, gave it a sniff, and took a small bite out of the side.

Louis watched as Harry's face lit up and took another bite before he started on his own.

"Mmf." Harry's mouth was full but he tried to talk anyway.

"What's that?"

Harry swallowed. "Good," he said quietly, but loud enough to hear.

Louis smiled, patting Harry's knee. "Well you helped make them, so good job."

Stealing His Groceries (And His Heart) Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now