Chapter Five - No Point

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Louis made grilled cheese sandwiches while Harry waited in the kitchen with him.

"So Harry, do you know how you...became a hybrid?" he asked. "Like, were you born like that, or...?"

Harry shrugged.

"Eh, good enough. Do you have a reason for not talking much? And don't just shrug again," Louis added quickly when he saw Harry's shoulders start to rise.

Harry put them down and smiled sheepishly.


Reluctantly, Harry opened his mouth to speak. "No point."

Louis furrowed his eyebrows, as he put the grilled sandwiches onto two plates. "There's no point? What do you mean?"

Harry huffed loudly, making Louis crack a grin. "Don't need to talk. No point," he repeated.

Nodding slowly, Louis put the plates on the table, pushing one over to Harry. "I think I understand...but you can talk as much as you like to me, even if there's no point," he said softly.

Harry smiled, showing dimples in both cheeks. Louis idly wondered what it would be like to lick dimples.

"Eat up," he said.

Harry nodded, picking up his sandwich, and Louis noticed that the end of his tail was wrapped around the hybrid's wrist. Reaching forward, Louis carefully untangled it, twisting it between his own fingers instead. Harry eyed him curiously, but continued to nibble on his melted cheese. Having finished his own, Louis could turn all his attention to the hybrid. He just played with the end of Harry's tail until a playful expression came onto Harry's face and he flicked it away, out of Louis' reach. With a pout, Louis reached for it again, and still Harry moved away.

"Stop moving," grumbled Louis with a laugh. He made another failed grab. Harry had the most adorable smile on his face, and Louis had to stop himself from squealing like a fangirl. Instead, he went back to trying and failing to grab Harry's tail.

Finally, Louis stood up and lunged at Harry's tail, and the hybrid play screamed and scampered off into the living room. Louis followed and tackled him onto the couch, sitting on his legs to stop him from squirming away.

"I'll teach you for beating me," he said mischievously, then brought his fingers to Harry's sides. Harry shrieked with laughter and tried to wriggle away, batting at Louis' arms and trying to escape. His laugh was quiet but still there, and Louis stopped for a moment to admire the beautiful sound bubbling from his throat.

"St-stop Louis," panted Harry.

Louis' eyes dilated and he swallowed. The image of Harry flushed and sweating beneath him, and whimpering his name, was almost too much to handle.

"Erm...okay," he said, slowly climbing off.

Harry frowned. "Huh?"

Louis hurriedly reassured him. "Oh, nothing, you didn't do anything. Don't worry."

Then at Harry's questioning look, Louis tried to elaborate. "You just looked, erm...really good. And, uh...yeah, just me being a horny teenager."

Harry smirked cheekily, raising his eyebrows.

Louis shook his head. "No. Whatever you're planning...stop. Don't even think about it," he chuckled.

Harry pouted playfully, flicking his tail back and forth. Then his pout was lost as he closed his eyes in a yawn, stretching both arms above his head.

"Are you tired?" Louis chuckled, receiving a sheepish nod in response. "Okay. Come on, let's go to bed."

With another yawn, Harry stood up and followed Louis to the guest room.

"What do you want to sleep in?" asked Louis. "Wanna borrow some pyjamas, or just sleep in pants or boxers? Or if you sleep naked, that's cool too...whatever you want, I guess," he finished, rubbing the back of his neck.

Harry shrugged as he thought about it. "Pyjamas?"

"Okay, sure. One second."

Louis went to his own room and dug out an old pair of pyjamas - he'd got them as a gift and they'd been far too big on him. When he got back, he handed them to Harry.

"Here you go, they should fit. Might be a little bit big, but that's okay," he rambled as he turned away to fix the bedsheets. When he looked back, he did a double take because Harry had gotten changed and boy did he look great in the oversized pyjamas. "Oh, look great in those."

Harry blushed shyly, ducking his head. He reached out to Louis for a hug and the older boy gladly returned it and held him close, noticing how they seemed to fit together. After a minute, they pulled away.

"Okay, so...good night Harry, I guess. Have a good sleep." Louis waited until Harry got settled in the bed before he turned off the light. "And I'm just in the next room if you need anything."

Then he left the guest room and went to his own, slipping into sweats and a t-shirt to sleep in.

That night, Louis rolled over and was about to go to sleep when he noticed two glints of light coming from the doorway.

"Harry?" he asked.

He heard a low mewl, but it didn't come any closer.

"Come here, Harry."

Silently, the hybrid approached Louis' bed, stopping about a foot from it.

"C'mere. Do you want to sleep with me tonight?" Louis asked gently, reaching for Harry's waist with his hand.

Harry didn't reply, but his tail wrapped slowly around Louis' wrist.

Louis smiled. He pulled Harry closer by his waist, then shuffled over a bit so there was room for him.

Hesitating for a second, Harry eventually climbed into the bed and snuggled into Louis' chest, slipping one of his legs between Louis'. He put one arm over Louis' middle, pushing his shirt up a bit so he could touch the skin underneath. His tail curled up Louis' lower arm and Louis let his free hand lazily rub Harry's ears, coaxing a barely audible purr to rumble from the hybrid's chest.

"Good night, Harry."


Hi guys! I'm so sorry it took me this long to update, even after my goal was reached. I won't blabber on with excuses, but just know I'll make sure the next one is on time. Hopefully the cute fluffy chapter makes up for my horrendous lateness? Anyway, my goal for this week is 30 reads and 5 comments, and again, my replies don't count. Stay beautiful <3

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