Chapter Ten - Honey

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Louis woke up tangled in Harry. Soft curls tickled at his neck, a tail was wound up his arm, and most of Harry's arm was under his shirt. He never would have admitted it (alright, maybe he would have if Harry had asked) but he liked being this close to him. He laid in silence for a few minutes, listening to Harry's breathing and tracing circles on his bare back.

After a while, Louis shifted Harry off him and got up. He took a morning piss (best feeling in the world, that) and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast, deciding on pancakes.

Harry got up when Louis was serving them onto plates, and Louis greeted him cheerfully. "Morning Harry!"

Harry smiled a greeting to him and sat at the table, muffling an adorable little yawn.

Dumping the pan in the sink, Louis brought the plates to the table with a bottle of honey and some strawberries. He lathered his pancakes thickly with honey while Harry investigated one of the strawberries. He stopped mid-bite to watch Louis, noticing how a bit of honey dripped onto his chin.

"What's that?" Harry asked curiously.

"It's honey," said Louis. "It's a bit like syrup, you want some?"

Harry grinned and nodded before leaning into Louis to lick his lips. Louis made a surprised sound, but held onto Harry and kissed him. He let Harry's tongue into his mouth, where he still had a bit of honey, while Harry tasted like the strawberries he'd just been eating. The kiss was somehow loving and desperate at the same time and was pure bliss and Louis didn't know when he climbed into Harry's lap but he did. Louis tangled his fingers in Harry's hair, tugging gently, brushing against his ears. The half purr, half moan Harry let out against his lips was the hottest thing Louis had ever heard. He started grinding down while Harry rolled up to meet his hips, sending pleasurable tingles through their bodies. Louis still had the honey spoon in his hand so he dragged it over Harry's neck and the underside of his chin and left a thin trail of honey. Tossing the spoon away, he latched onto Harry's skin and started to suck it off, the taste of Harry mixed with the sweetness of the honey going straight to his pants. Harry tilted his head a few times until he figured out there was no way he could have control while Louis was at the vulnerable skin of his neck, and slowly tipped his chin up a little to grant him a bit more access. Louis hummed gratefully and gave Harry a tiny bite which made him jump.

Their skin burned everywhere they touched, but it wasn't enough. Harry's hands were under Louis' shirt, on his waist, and Louis' hands were on Harry's neck and shoulders, so it was awkward to try and get their shirts off (well, Louis'; Harry hadn't worn a shirt to bed) because they didn't want to let go. Eventually they managed, and Harry kissed and licked and nibbled everywhere he could reach while Louis' eyes fluttered in bliss, tightening his grip on Harry's neck. He stopped every few seconds just to nuzzle into Louis, to press closer to him, to nudge his face against his skin. It was the most intimate thing anyone had ever done to Louis and he found he didn't want Harry to stop.

"Harry," breathed Louis, squeezing his eyes shut.

Harry stopped, his ears pricked up at Louis' voice, content to just admire him. The break gave Louis a bit of time to recover and he smirked at Harry before giving him a a peck on the nose. His hands ran down Harry's sides to the top of his boxers, and he ran his hand lightly over the material. Harry whimpered, then looked a little embarrassed at the sound. Louis smiled fondly and kissed him again, palming Harry through his boxers while the younger boy squirmed and tried to focus on kissing him back.

When Louis felt Harry starting to get hard he gave him a gentle squeeze, making him gasp, and climbed off his lap. Harry panicked, grabbing at his wrist.

"Stay," he begged

"I'm not going anywhere, don't worry," Louis said soothingly, kissing Harry's forehead a few times. He started to get on his knees in front of Harry's chair and Harry couldn't have been more turned on at the idea of having control over Louis, at being above him. He squirmed impatiently as Louis slid his boxers down, lifting his hips when Louis told him to so he could get them off his bum. His pupils changed a bit - shifting between round and slitted a few times before settling back into wide black dots.

Stealing His Groceries (And His Heart) Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now