Chapter Nine - Piggyback

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When Louis got out the shower, Niam and Zayn had gone home and Harry was building a fort on Louis' bed. He looked up when Louis came in and flashed a lovely smile in greeting.

"What are you doing in here babe?" Louis asked.

Harry got up and crawled into some opening in the fort until he was out of view. Louis pulled a pillow off the top to find Harry curled up inside, smiling up at him.

"Looks nice and warm in there Harry, mind if I join you?"

Harry shook his head and shuffled around so there'd be a bit more room, and Louis placed the pillow back where he'd found it. He crawled through the little opening and it was very dark inside, but he could hear Harry's breathing and feel his body heat. Louis flopped down, most of his body on top of Harry's, and Harry held tightly onto whatever he could reach of Louis.

After a few seconds of silence, Louis spoke. "Are you okay Harry? You're holding me awfully tight...I can't move." He squirmed around a bit to prove his point.

Harry just tried to pull him closer. "Stay."

"Harry, I'm not going anywhere," Louis said softly, snuggling into him. He wriggled his arms free so he could wrap them around Harry.

Harry shuffled around until he figured out that there wasn't enough room for him to get on top, so he threw a leg over Louis' before he started to relax. His neck tickled where Louis' gentle breath hit it, but he didn't move because it reminded him that Louis was there.

They stayed tangled in each other until one of their feet got caught in a pillow and made the whole fort come tumbling down on top of them.

"Ah!" cried Louis playfully.

Harry giggled, letting go of Louis so he could find his way out of the soft mountain. His tail got tangled in a blanket so he took a minute to free it.

"We nearly died in there Harry," grinned Louis.

Harry shook his head, gesturing to their bodies. "Alive."

Louis smiled fondly. "Yep. We're alive."

He couldn't stop looking at Harry because the hybrid looked so perfect, surrounded by fluffy pillows and blankets and with a goofy grin on his face.

"Now get over here, I need to cuddle the shit out of you," he grumbled.

Harry laughed and raised his eyebrows cheekily. Before Louis knew what was happening, Harry was running out of the room, and was soon out of sight.

With a chuckle, Louis got up and went to the living room, but Harry was nowhere to be seen. He was about to- wait, was a that tail sticking out from behind the couch? Grinning, Louis crept over to the couch, but when he got near Harry squealed and stood up to run away again, a wide smile on his face. Louis chased him to the kitchen, until Harry realised he was cornered. Giggling, he glanced around for an escape.

"You're trapped!" laughed Louis.

Harry looked around again, and then he was scrambling up onto the counter and on top of the fridge, where he crouched comfortably. Louis didn't know how he managed to make his lanky body small enough to fit but somehow he did and it was adorable.

"Harry! How did you even..." Louis trailed off, laughing hard. "Come down!"

Harry stuck his tongue out and shook his head, ruffling his curls. He licked the back of his hand and looked down at Louis.

"Well, I guess I'll just...leave you here..." Louis said sneakily, turning his back to Harry. Suddenly there was a big weight on his back and he stumbled, nearly falling over. Harry wrapped his arms around his neck, letting out a yelp when Louis put his hands under his bum to hold him up.

"Piggyback, huh?" he puffed, the air having been knocked out of him.

Harry chuckled in agreement, nuzzling his face into the back of Louis' neck. Thinking back to what Louis did earlier, he pressed a tentative kiss to the skin. Louis whimpered, tilting his head back a little, but Harry nudged it forward and started to lick and nibble.

"Ah, Harry," he breathed. "'re gonna turn me on. Jesus."

Harry laughed, pressing a last peck to Louis' neck before cuddling into him and holding on tightly. Louis walked over to the couch and dropped Harry onto it.

"C'mon, it'll be bedtime soon. Let's go get ready, yeah?"

The mention of bedtime seemed to have made Harry very tired, and he let Louis brush his teeth so he could doze standing up.

"You got a bit dirty at McDonald's," said Louis. "So do you want to have a shower?"

Harry shook his head lazily.

"What about a bath then?"

Harry shrugged and Louis set about running the bath. He added a few bubbles too, and Harry seemed to find new energy so he could put his arm in the bath and play with them.

"Okay, take your clothes off Harry. You can't have a bath with your clothes on, can you?" said Louis, stopping the water once the bath was half full.

Harry groaned and tugged half-heartedly at his shirt until Louis laughed. "Put your arms up, I'll help."

Watching Louis warily, Harry raised his arms above his head, and the older boy pulled his shirt off and tossed it in the dirty clothes hamper. Louis undid his jeans and boxers (trying not to look) and Harry kicked them away, then stepped into the bath and sat down, poking at the bubbles.

Using a plastic cup and covering Harry's ears with his hand, Louis gently poured some water over his head, making sure none got in his eyes. Sometimes growing up with a thousand little sisters came in handy. He put shampoo on his hand and carefully massaged it through his hair, soon feeling Harry push up into his hand and start purring softly. Louis gently scratched at his head and Harry's purrs got louder, his eyes closed in pleasure.

Louis rinsed out Harry's hair and gently washed his arms, legs, chest and back. Harry was nearly asleep by the time he was done, and he reluctantly climbed out the bath to let Louis wrap a towel around him.

"C'mon babe, let's get you to bed. Do you want to sleep with me again?" Louis said, leading Harry to his bedroom.

Harry nodded sleepily, taking the pair of boxers Louis offered him and sliding them up his legs. Louis dried off his wet hair with the towel and disappeared to put it away. When he came back, Harry was curled up on his bed.

Louis pulled the covers over Harry and slid in beside him. Immediately, Harry curled around his body, slipping a hand under Louis' shirt to rest on his stomach. They drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.


I don't know how much longer I can hold off the smut lmao. It wasn't going to come along until much further in but it's like Louis and Harry have minds of their own yanno? So, tell me what you guys think and the next chapter might have some sexy time in it haha

I know the goal hasn't been reached yet but it was getting there and I got impatient ok. The next goal will be 40 reads and 8 comments xD

(What do you guys think of 5sos' Target prank? If you haven't seen it go look it up rn ily xD)

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