Chapter Twelve - Spy Suit

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Louis stayed true to his word, cuddling Harry for as long as the hybrid wanted him to. Then his phone buzzed in his pocket, and with an amazing display of teamwork and patience, Louis finally managed to get it and pull it through the sleeve so he could see it. It showed one new text from Niall.

Nialler: I thought the apartment at the end of the hall was empty ?!

Louis: it is ?

Nialler: there wre people going in and outbwhen I left

Louis: lemme get my spy suit I'm going in

Louis shuffled a bit, and Harry moved pliantly. "Hey Harry, I need to get out of the onesie now," he said softly. "You can keep it on if you like wearing it."

Harry whimpered, twisting his head in an attempt to look back at Louis. Louis got a faceful of curls, but he didn't really mind.

"Well either way I have to get to the door, so if you don't let me out then you have to come with me," he said. Harry grinned at the idea, and Louis sighed fondly. "Alright, then. Come on."

Slowly, they stood up, Louis guiding their movements. They made their way to the front door, Louis' hands (so Harry's too) on Harry's hips because the way he sort of slunk about with cat-like grace was uncanny. They got to the door and Louis opened it.

In the hallway, with a big duffle bag slung over his shoulder, was Michael. His mouth formed a little O shape as he looked Louis and Harry up and down disbelievingly. (Just stop for a second and imagine Michael doing that. I totally can lmao)


Louis blushed furiously but Harry didn't seem phased, just leaning down to nuzzle under Louis' chin.

"Well, uh..." Michael said speechlessly. "Guessing you finally got together?"

Louis nodded sheepishly, glancing away from Michael's eyes. "Yup," he said in barely a whisper. Harry looked at him questioningly.

"That's very kinky. I approve." Michael smirked, looking them up and down once more. " and the boys are staying in the room down there for a few weeks."

He shifted the bag on his shoulder.

"Okay...we'll leave you to it," said Louis.

Michael laughed. "Great. Get back to...whatever you were doing."

Louis spluttered indignantly, feeling too hot in the onesie. "P- wha- shut up."

Snickering at Louis, Michael looked at Harry. "You okay, Harry? You're very quiet."

Harry shrugged and nodded.

"Eh, okay...bye then."

With a wave and a laugh, Michael hitched the duffel bag over his shoulder and continued down the hallway.

Back in the apartment, Louis slammed the door behind them and pushed Harry against it. "My god, that kid is frustrating."

Harry squirmed half-heartedly, trying to push Louis off a bit so he could turn his head round enough to see him, but the onesie restricted his movement. He stopped wriggling when he felt Louis' lips at his neck, arching back into him. Louis nibbled gently, feeling Harry press back against him and whimper softly. He grinned and started sucking a mark into his skin while Harry breathed against the door frame and bared more of his neck.

"Louis...kiss," Harry said, straining to try and reach him.

Louis laughed, "Okay," and scattered a few teasing kisses over Harry's neck, making the hybrid groan.

"No!" he said.

Chuckling, Louis licked Harry's ear affectionately. "I can't reach your lips, darling."

That cue was all Harry needed to shake off Louis' weight pressing him to the door and start shucking the onesie. As soon as they were free from it, he pressed his lips to Louis' properly and sighed in relief. Louis smiled at his eagerness, then parted his lips a little when he felt Harry prodding at them. Harry's hands roamed Louis' torso while Louis' stayed contentedly around his neck. He let Harry push him toward the couch, moaning helplessly when Harry climbed on top of him, pulling him down to reach his lips. When Harry pulled away to lick and suck over Louis' lips, then his chin and neck, Louis kicked off his shoes and hooked his legs around him. Harry let Louis pull him even closer, grinding down onto the older boy. Louis gasped at that and bucked up, wanting that perfect feeling again.

They moved against each other, breathing heavily. Harry would kiss Louis for a few seconds, pull away to bite his neck or rest his forehead against it, and kiss him again. His hands had found their way up Louis' shirt and rested on his sides, while Louis' hands buried themselves in Harry's hair. His fingers twisted into Harry's curls, and at a particularly good thrust they would tighten as they cried out into each other's skin. When Louis' fingers found Harry's ears, he gently scratched around the base, and then suddenly he had an armful of Harry as the hybrid's eyes slitted with lust and he flopped down on his chest to enjoy the sensation.

Louis chuckled and rolled them over so he was on top, continuing to give Harry the gentle pleasure when the younger boy looked a little miffed at losing his role on the top, his pupils going back to their round shape. His doubts vanished, though, when Louis started rocking their hips together and rubbing Harry's ears at the same time.

Another kiss was started, though neither boy knew who initiated it, but this one was careful and slow. Their hips moved at the same beautiful pace as their lips, and they gasped and whimpered into each other's mouths. Louis swallowed every moan from Harry's mouth. Harry was getting restless on the bottom, feeling a little trapped when Louis' arms planted firmly on either side of his head. His pupils kept slitting like a cat's and flicking back again. But he didn't want the feeling of goodgoodgood to end so he let it go, focusing on Louis' mouth instead.

They grinded and bit and licked at each other until their breathing grew ragged and uneven, and Harry snaked his tail around Louis' wrist just in time to squeeze it tightly as his orgasm took over. Louis buried his face in Harry's chest and moaned softly as the idea of doing this held together by a onesie came to him, following Harry over the edge, their sounds echoing together.

Slowly, the grinding stopped and Louis let himself collapse onto Harry, who pulled him down and close so his head rested in his neck. They were both sweaty and Louis was a bit ashamed of just having rubbed one out like a teenager, but they were too blissed out to care very much. Harry loved to hold Louis against him, especially when he was this loose and pliant, because he was so soft and the feel of his skin was so good.

They kissed lazily for a few minutes, Harry playfully pecking everywhere but Louis' lips. Louis huffed frustratedly and held Harry's face firmly with both hands, pressing a sure kiss to his lips. Harry giggled and closed his eyes.


Let me start with some shameless self promo. Please check out my books 1D Bromance One Shots and 100 Moments » Larry. I'm really excited about 100 Moments - it'll be a book of one hundred one shots/drabbles in Larry's relationship from X Factor onward. Mostly full of fluffiness like this one haha.

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