Chapter Six - Mack-Donall

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Louis woke up slowly. He felt a large, warm shape on his chest and opened his eyes to see Harry still sleeping peacefully. The hybrid's curls were covering his face and his tail was curled tightly around Louis' arm. Louis could've stayed there forever, but he really, desperately had to use the bathroom.

"Hey, Harry," he said gently. "C'mon babe, you have to get off me."

Harry whimpered and stirred a little, holding onto Louis even tighter.

"Come on Harry, I really need to pee."

Finally, Harry's grip loosened and Louis carefully got out from under him. He tucked the blankets into a tight cocoon around Harry and left the room, leaping for the bathroom with a sigh of relief when he could relieve himself at last.

After he'd finished up and washed his hands, Louis went back to his room to find Harry sitting up on his bed, looking around sleepily. His face lit up when he saw Louis.

Louis chuckled. "Good morning, Harry. Did you sleep okay?"

Harry nodded shyly, picking at the sleeve of his shirt.

"Well, come on. Let's get something for breakfast, yeah? Get up."

Harry groaned dramatically, flopping back onto the bed. He squirmed around a bit and looked up at Louis hopefully.

"I don't know what you're trying to tell me," Louis laughed. "But you still need to get up now. Don't make me drag you."

With a defeated huff, Harry dragged himself off the bed, scratching tiredly at his cat ears. Gently, Louis pushed Harry's hand away and replaced it with his own. Harry looked at him curiously, but made no move to stop him. After a minute, Harry leaned into Louis' touch a little, warily testing the waters. When Louis just smiled and rubbed a bit faster, Harry deemed it safe to purr.

"You're adorable, you know that?" said Louis fondly.

Harry smiled, butting his head softly against Louis' shoulder. Then his expression changed from content to impatient and he let out a whine, putting a hand on his stomach.

"Are you hungry? Let's go find something to eat, come on."

Taking Harry's hand, Louis led them both to the kitchen and looked around.

"You know what? I can't be bothered making anything. Let's get a McDonald's breakfast instead. Is that okay, Harry?"

Harry shrugged. He'd never had this Mack-Donall thing before, so he didn't really have an opinion on it.

"Come on, let's go. But, uh...just put on this hoodie and keep the hood up, okay? I don't want anyone to see your ears. And tuck your tail in somewhere, too."

Somewhat sadly, Harry did as he was told, and they soon left the apartment. He stared at the slightly familiar hallways and stairs and remembered the last time he'd been through them, when Louis had been dragging him by his wrist and he'd been so incredibly scared but too weak to escape. Now, his opinion on Louis had changed and he had quite an affection for him, so he shook his head and willed the memory away.

When they got to the car, Harry started to get a bit nervous. He'd only been in a car a few times and none of them had been particularly pleasant experiences. Louis opened the door for Harry, and he reluctantly climbed in and sat down.

"Put your seatbelt on, Harry," said Louis. He leaned over to pull the strap over Harry's body and the hybrid squirmed in discomfort. "I'm sorry Harry but you have to leave it on. It won't hurt you, it'll just keep you safe if anything happens."

Louis started the car and they drove to McDonald's without speaking, just listening to the music on the radio. Some new boyband started playing just as they pulled into the car park and Louis quickly turned it off, not wanting to force Harry to listen to such crap. They got out the car and Louis led a silent Harry into the building.

Stealing His Groceries (And His Heart) Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now