Don't call me June - ✓

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I shook my head and tried to get up. I held tightly the nearby furniture, and guided myself to the door. I found the keys and unlocked the door. There was a tear-stained Eunjae, with a dozen- no, more than a dozen keys. In her small hands, a plethora of keys could be found, varying in colors, sizes and use. Some of them weren't even keys. But she held them altogether, like her life was depending on them. As soon as she saw me, she threw all the keys on the floor and hugged me. 

'Na-Na-Ra!! Whyyy? Why did you do that? I've been calling you for more than three hours!! Why didn't you open, I thought you were dead!' She cried, and cried, and didn't stop crying. All I did was to pat her back, not being able to do anything else in my state.

"I'm sorry, truly sorry. I fell asleep and then I had some nightmares, but I couldn't really wake up. So yes, I'm sorry. How can I repay you?" I asked, while patting her head instead of her back. But she cried even more. So I just waited, since there was nothing I could do. Just look at her and wait for her to stop crying. Isn't what humans did?

'Nara, please don't do that again. I got so scared, and my grandma went to the market and then for a walk with her friends... I had no one!'

"Eunjae, this is not going to happen again, I promise." I'm such a liar though. Till the last day, I'd see more nightmares than I see in a year.

'Yea, right... who knows, maybe tonight I'll find you dead or something, and I'd still haven't found the right key.' She rolled her eyes and pouted. I sighed, my mind being so cloudy, I couldn't think at all. It was like I ignored her worlds. Only one thing mattered- that it was really bothering me. 

How was I supposed to make Junjae fall in love with Eunjae without getting hurt?



"Okay, so Eunjae, since everything is alright, what would you like to do today?" I asked her, not being able to feel my hands and fingers. We had to go over all the rooms and try each key. Silly Eunjae just messed this whole 'key to room' up, so we had to sort it out, before her grandma came back. 

'Um... should we go to McDonalds? I have heard about it, but I haven't gone yet.' 

"Well, why don't we go? And I'll call Junjae to come with us, since you seem to fancy him!" I poked her and she laughed. If she only knew!

'No, no I certainly don't... Hehe, how did you find out?' She bit her lips.

"Your eyes are shooting hearts, and one happened to hit me on the head." I winked, and she smiled even more. Great, Nara, it's working. At least the half part is working. Now, I had to make sure Junjae returned the same feelings.. to her. A dull pain hurt my heart, but I had to ignore it. 

We took our things and got out of the hotel. She locked it, since I was the only one traveller in there, and took off. 

'Wait, I know where Junjae lives, shall we go?' She said, excited with her idea. She clapped and I slowly nodded. 

We walked for ten minutes approx, and we found a warm, friendly looking home. The garden was so well groomed, you'd think you stepped on a rich persons house. Eunjae went near, and screamed at Junjae to come out. But he didn't. She screamed, and shouted, but no one was near. She bit her upper lip and decided to try one more time

'Goodness, Eunjae, why do you have to scream so much? You woke up the whole neighborhood.' Junjae appeared shirtless, with coal all over him. I had to look away, not from his shirtless-ness, but from him. My heart hurt even more, ached for him. But I had to do as I was told. 

'Well, Junjae, look at the hour! Everyone should have waken up!' She said, being overly excited. But Junjae on the contrary, was rather annoyed. 

'Some of us Eunjae have to work more than two jobs, more than twelve hours per day, we are not as rich and spoiled as you!' He shot back, fuming. She cowered, and sensing that things were going to be worse, I decided to step in.

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