life's a game prt 3

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Brayden's POV

I teased him a little, told him how I felt and that was the truth, then I held his wrist, I kissed it sincerely and then sliced it with my pocket knife.

"I'm so sorry" I said as his blood ran down his arm, and it dripped onto the carpet, his crimson blood shining in the dim light and his pupils enlarged as he let out a scream. I reached for his arm but he pulled away with fear, he looked at me with beautiful hazel eyes as tears stained his cheeks. He stood up weakly.

"Lachlan" He muttered.

"I'm going to find..." His sentence was cut short as he passed out, I caught him before he hit the floor and held him to my chest, his pulse was slow and the blood wouldn't stop rushing out of his wrist. I looked around the room.

"Shit. Shit. Shit!" I said as I grabbed the phone, I put in Lachlan's number and dialed.

" 'Yes'

'Its Alijah, he's hurt'

'What do you mean'

'Just...Come to mine ASAP!' "

I hung up immediately and hugged him tightly.

"Don't you fucking die" I said as the tears spilled over and I kissed him again. I just had to ruin this, didn't I? I knew it was wrong of me to slit the guys wrist, but the damage was done, now there was no way back from this...Place. Just then Lachlan barged through my door.

"ALIJAH!" He screamed, slightly puffed out. I had blood on my hands and Lachlan snatched him out of my arms.

"What happened...WHAT DID YOU DO THIS TIME" Shit, he knew...But how much...I did tell Alijah not to tell...But I did beat him to a pulp, I guess this was just my way of giving him a way out...You know, an escape from all the pain I've caused him...But was this really the right thing for me to do to him.

"Just stay away from him...All of us" Lachlan said as he left me in the room alone, he took Alijah with him, and I just knew, that I would never see his beautiful eyes again. As I thought about that, a stray tear strolled down my cheek and I placed my hand over my heart like he had so many times before, and I felt it start to fall apart, everything I'd tried to keep locked away, spilling over the surface, I fell to he floor and screamed silently as tears strolled down my cheeks and I lowered my head and my head went dizzy.

"Maybe this world isn't for everyone" I looked up to see Selena.

"Yeah and" I said, in my most cocky tone possible.

"So why bother staying.?" I thought about this for a few seconds.

"Because...Where else am I meant to go" I heard footsteps behind me and turned, I saw Alexis standing there, and Aubyn popped out from behind her. He looked at me with sad eyes.

"How...How could you"

"Aubyn...Please...Don't do this..." A tear ran down his cheek.

"This is the pain you caused...How could you do that to such a kind soul like his"


"SO YOU DID DO IT!" He choked slightly on his own tears. I lowered my head.

"Life is not for me" I said, grabbing the pocket knife and slicing my own wrist.

"Is this what you want" They all looked at me in horror as the blood trailed down my arm.

"STOP PLEASE" Aubyn said rushing to my side, he snatched the knife off me and pulled me to his chest. I listened to his heartbeat and slowly drifted to sleep as he laid us down and told Selena and Alexis to go.

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