You slap him

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      "The man is particularly sleazy. He's been seen on multiple occasions with prostitutes, even a few times by his wife. According to the people around here, exaggerated of course, he can barely resist the temptation when he sees a girl under a street light during late nights." Ciel stated, recapping his obtained information. 

    "...And, what do you want me to do...?" You asked slowly. Ciel better not be suggesting what you think he may be. 

    The Queen's Guard Dog was on yet another case. With the problem happening a town over, Ciel couldn't stop you from being involved if he wanted to. 

    3 days into the case, he so far has one lead. A certain man is linked to these crimes and is believed to have further information on this topic. The only knowledge of him so far, sadly, is his existence. No name, no occupation, no age; just his appearance, rumors, and daily activities. 

     Sadly, it may have been a mistake on your part for continuously insisting upon helping. 


     The smell of rotting garbage polluted your nose from where you stood outside of the alley-way. Dressed in a revolting outfit, you stood outside in the darkness, waiting for the suspect. With Ciel and Sebastian patiently waiting a few meters away, you were able to remain calm. 

     Luckily, one of the man's common routes home was also a hidden path, meaning nobody but the man, Ciel, and Sebastian would see you. Although, did that really matter considering it was practically impossible to see anything through the darkness? Even despite the street lights that beamed, shining a dull light on the street, you were nearly a shadow. 

         Shifting uncomfortably, you tried to get used to your new corset and heels. The corset in specific. The damned thing tightened around you like a snake, while pushing your boobs up farther than they should've been; whether you had boobs or not, it didn't matter. The suffocation device pushed up anything it could; skin, breasts, your ribs. Hell, it would even give a male breasts! 

       You wanted this to be over with. Trying to keep yourself calm, you began to fan yourself with the hand fan you were given; wouldn't be a proper whore without it, right? 

       Amidst the darkened streets, you noticed a figure briskly walking in your direction. As he got closer relief, nervousness, and anxiety brewed up in your stomach, something that wouldn't be able to be released, because the goddamn corset cut off all circulation in your body

    "Hello there ma'am." The man grinned, approaching you. 

     "Why hello, there sir. Can I help you?" You slowly asked, suggestively. You were internally gagging at the voice that just left your mouth. 

     "Yes, you can~!" He giggled, eyeing your body. You shivered in disgust. 

   'Not much longer (Y/N), not much longer. You'd just have to get him to 'buy' you and then simply sneakily grab his wallet and leave!' You thought to yourself. 

    "You're looking very delicious..." He moaned, raising his hand to touch you; luckily, you were able to immediately slap it away. 

   "Ah, ah, ah..." You said, the disgust failing to conceal itself on your face and in your voice. "No touch-ch-ching ye-e-e-et...~..." 

     You couldn't stop cringing and shaking. You tried to keep your composure and act like a prostitute, but you couldn't. 

    "Oh, come on. Don't do this to me! I want to see what I'm getting~" You were lucky that you were taller than him with your heels on, for he appeared to be in a horny daze, simply paddling his hands trying to touch you. Holding your hand sternly on his forehead, you kept him at bay. He was like a chipper dog... 

     "N-now, now. Th-that's n-not how this w-wor-works..." This was... you couldn't tell. Humiliating, awful, or comedic. 

    But then, he did something that made you fully drop the act. Despite the distance you put between you both, he managed to touch your boobs, resulting in a full-force slap, causing the man to fall down.  

     You were done. Walking over to his body, you added pressure to a certain part of his neck, knocking him out. You had read plenty of books in your life, you were bound to have found one relating to humans and biology considering the libraries you visit. 

     Reaching into his pocket, you grabbed his wallet before retreating to Ciel and Sebastian. 

     Upon seeing Ciel, you immediately slapped him with your fan; not gently or playfully either. 

    "For making me do that. Here's the wallet." You stated; anger being violently suppressed. "I'm officially done with this. Good luck on the rest. I'll only help for things that're more minor." You said, walking away, only to return to the establishment you all were staying at. 

Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji Boyfriend Scenarios (Ciel only)Where stories live. Discover now