When you dance together

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 You had been working a lot harder lately. You knew that Ciel overworked himself often, but honestly, how did he do it? You were only on day 5 of your intensive work with longer hours and little to no breaks, and you were practically ready to jump out the window! 

 Unfortunately, if you weren't going to do your work, who would? ...Well, maybe Sebastian could...? ...No, you couldn't actually ask him to do that... Sadly...   

 Nonetheless, it had to get done! And luckily, you were mature enough to realize that you had to do this work, no matter how much you loathed it. And boy, did you loathe it. Much to your dismay, your workload eventually became so immense that you had to cut out your dinners and tea breaks with Ciel. 

 As rare as it was, Ciel was actually concerned. Both of you have certainly had your fair shares of overtime, but this was bad. Occasionally, you'd have to miss a few lunches together, or one of you had to work long after the other one had went to sleep, but to miss your tea breaks? All of them? For 5 days straight? You both always made time for tea! 

 Hell, it was a tradition you started! When you began living (squatting) with Ciel, you always made sure to emphasize the importance of taking a break and stepping away from a stressful workload every once in a while. No matter how busy Ciel was, even when his newest time-consuming task was as the Queen's Guard Dog, he made sure to save time for a tea or a cake break. 

 It was because of those very reasons that Ciel was desperate to take you away from your job. He had already tried the arts of convincing, persuading, and distracting, but none of them managed to take you away from your paperwork or to trick you into enjoying some Earl Grey. Ciel was left with no other choice than to resort to more unconventional measures. 

  He didn't bother with words for this attempt; he knew they wouldn't get him anywhere. Instead, he just approached you at your study and gently took hold of your hand. 

 Having been in the middle of writing, you dropped your pen in confusion and looked up to Ciel. As soon as he realized that he got your attention, he held eye contact with you before slowly backing away. His hold on your hand was soft but secure. His other hand had been tucked behind his back per formal dancing guidelines. 

 You knit your eyebrows together, both confused and concerned, but nonetheless, stepped out of your seat and followed him. It was unlike Ciel to be this quiet and slow. "What are you doing?" You finally asked. Ciel remained silent, leading you further away from your desk until he was in the center of the study. 

 When your arms were taut, he raised his arm up and forced you to come even closer, closing the lengthy distance between the both of you. Now your arm was raised too, your hand still entwined with his. As soon as he had you where he wanted you, he let go of your hand, and replaced his own on the small of your back. Your limb dropped in the air, but moments later, it was caught by Ciel's other hand of which took the leading position. By that point, it wasn't too hard to catch onto what was happening. 

 Assuming your role, you placed your free hand on Ciel's shoulder and allowed him to lead. You were well aware that dancing was something that Ciel absolutely dreaded, so to see him willingly dance with you --no begging, gun to his head, or anything-- was both quite astonishing and meaningful. You leaned in closer to him, your head resting against his chest as he gracefully danced around the study. 

 There was no music, but that didn't make this spontaneous gesture any less romantic. This delicate moment was the first time that you relaxed in 5 days. You almost wondered if this was a sleep-deprived delusion created by your mind... but Ciel's constant heartbeat assured you that it wasn't. 

 As soon as you lifted your head from his chest, engaging in the dance yourself, Ciel gave you a quick spin. You couldn't help but to laugh, you have never had so much fun dancing! 

 When Ciel brought you back in, you both regained and maintained eye contact. This was one of the few times that you have ever danced outside of a social function. For some reason, those dances always seemed to feel somewhat forced and tense. Everything has to be formal and proper, and there's plenty of influential people in the room that can catch even the slightest mistake. 

 But right here, right now, there was none of that pressure. It was just you and Ciel... alone. No demon butler to comment on incorrect posture or servants to gossip and gush. It was just the two of you... 

 He did step on your foot every now and again, but after the initial inflammation, it wasn't really something you minded. Your dresser did that on the regular, and you got nothing in return; this was at least something. Ciel apologized each time, and each time it was worth it just to see the red color that tinged his cheeks. 

 Eventually, the dance came to an end. In one last effort to savor the warmth and comfort of Ciel's embrace, you wrapped your arms around his neck and prepared to pull him in for a kiss. But, it seemed like you weren't the only one with that idea. Before you even had a chance to pull him toward you, or vice versa, Ciel leaned down and kissed you first. You forgot just how affectionate he could be when no one was around. 

 Let's just say, you didn't return to your work anytime soon. 

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