You have a night mare

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      Seconds after the thunder boomed an angry growl, you awoke in a frenzied state. The thumping of your heart reached your ears and bruised your chest as your labored breaths competed with the sound of the howling wind. Sweat had formed on your forehead, head, and above your lip, creating an uncomfortable heat for you.  

    You hadn't even realized that you'd screamed until the echoes of your voice returned to your ears. Tears fell down your cheeks with no sign of stopping, overflowing from your eyes and clouding your vision. 

     As the thunder crashed down yet again, you jumped, startled by the noise. 

    Upon realizing that your fear had been misplaced, you released a sigh and whimpered softly. Each tiny sound scared you, thunder or not. Your nightmare had been so terrifying, you were unsure if you were safe now, despite the fact you knew how wonderfully guarded the mansion was and that a few consistent, loud screams was all it took to summon the demon Sebastian. 

  Ciel P.O.V~ 

        Immediately opening my eyes, the dim white of my bedroom's ceiling entered my view. I grumbled lightly, turning my head to the side. I couldn't see very well, I was sleepy and it was dark. 

     Forgetting my own self for a few seconds, I soon came to my senses. Awake, I was awake. I was just asleep, now I'm awake. Why did I wake up? I couldn't remember my dream but there were no physical signs of it being so awful that my body had to wake me up, and there had been no signs of any actual external force. 

      The thunder roared from outside my window, triggering the memory. A scream? 

     Getting out of bed, I chose to walk around the manor. Was it a scream? I couldn't remember. Still in a sleepy haze, I didn't think of the consequences that could come; after all, someone would have screamed for a reason. 

    Walking past (Y/N)'s room, I heard whimpering and sobbing. 

   Knocking on the door, (Y/N) replied with a yelp. Opening the door, I saw immediate relief pass over (Y/N)'s face. 

    "C-ciel..." She whimpered. 

    "What are you crying for this late at night." 

    "I-it's no-nothing." She said, quickly wiping away her tears. 

    "What?" I walked over to her bed and sat at the edge of it. If I were to leave now, I'd merely be awakened 5 minutes later. 

     "It's really nothing. You're gonna think it's stupid. I just had a nightmare..." She stated. 


     She hesitated for a few seconds, but the description soon came out in slow, dramatic whispers. 

    The memories from her dream must've been coming back during her sentences, for more tears streamed down her cheeks and her shaking increased. Her hands tightly gripped at the bed sheets as if it were the only thing keeping her inside reality and stopping her from being transported back into her memory. 

         At a certain point, her shivering turned into something far more severe as she seemed to almost be vibrating. 

   A clap a thunder happened once more, a certain sound that hasn't occurred for a bit of time. 

  Jumping again, it was far more high and far more energetic. Jumping onto me and burying her head into my torso, almost painfully so, she tightened her fists on my clothing and whined. 

      "It's just the thunder." I tried to to urge her off of me, but her grip only tightened. She just stayed there. 

     "Wi-will y-y-you stay wit-with me until I ca-can fall asl-leep...?" She cried. 

       Although it was a question, I didn't have a choice. Her hold on me was tight and I wasn't going to simply shove her off. 

       She cried, and whined, and screeched, she stayed at my side for an hour until she finally fell asleep, but honestly, I believe I fell asleep before she actually did. The tightness of her hold reminded me of something I couldn't quite place which had happened long ago, it was a feeling of safety and affection, something I imagined I had already lost feel of. 

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