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One month later, prom was coming up. The boys had gone to every shitty homecoming, but prom was the real deal.

And Mike only had one week till he had to propose to Will in some sort of way.

He decided to call Nancy on the house phone. She moved out.


"Nance, you have to help. How do I ask Will to Prom?"

"That's all you needed?"

"What's something he really likes?"

"He likes a lot of stuff. I dunno."

"Is he still into drawing? Think of-"

Mike zoned out for a moment.

"Nance, thanks I have to go."


Mike hung up and runs up to his room.
Meanwhile, Will was at home, listening to Jonathan's music stash. He left it for Will after he moved out.

He moves his hips to the beat, organizing his room a bit.

He hears the walky talky go off.

"Will, over?"

He pushes pause and goes to the machine.

"Yeah, over?"

"Come to my house, over?"

"Sure, over." He smiles and changes into a loose fitting sweater and a little tight pair of jeans.

He just walks to Mike's house.

He looks at the side walk.

Chalk drawings? Must be the neighbors's kids.

They were hearts, every color.

Mike was sitting on the curb, a rose on hand, along with a paper.

It says,
"I hope we can paint a perfect night and dance the night away, that would be draw-esome! Maybe we can draw forever memories. Prom?"

He also has a romantic letter.

He gets up, hiding the items behind his back.

"Will!" He walks over, Will stopping.

"Why'd you want me to come over? It's pretty late." Will sighs.

He hands Will the rose, his cheeks becoming colored

He holds out the paper; will scans it and covers his mouth.

Mike takes a deep breath.

"I'm not done yet."

He brings out the folded letter.

"Will, do you remember that day we met in kindergarten? I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember in second grade I started thinking you were cute. I remember when I kissed your cheek in fourth grade and your cheeks were redder Than a tomato. I didn't know how to feel until 12. You went missing and I was a wreck. I'd cry when nobody was around. We found you and my heart exploded when you woke up. I'll never forget that. You smiled at all of us and we all hugged you. We all laughed when you said the demogorgan got you. I remember going to the arcade with you, even if you felt bad and started seeing scary shit. I remember trick or treating with you, keeping a close eye on you, the moment I looked away, you were gone and I panicked. I remember going home and I rested my hand on yours and reassuring you everything is alright.I remember going to the snowball with Eleven and how broken you looked. I remember kissing you for the first time, wanting you to know that you're loved. I remember asking you out, I remember the shitty fights we had and how every time we made up. I remember cuddling you, I remember dancing with you when I was 15 and we kissed and didn't give a fuck about what other people thought. Just two kids, hopelessly in love with one another. Everybody seemed so grossed out, but we ignored them and went to every homecoming from then forward. I remember making stupid mistakes when I was drunk, I remember getting locked in a closet, because we got in such a bad fight. I thought we'd end there for sure, I hated that. We took our anger out in a kiss, and then apologized. And then now. Now is the present and I'm making you a promise. All of the other things are in the past, and I'd like to spend a future together. I want to make stupid memories and mistakes. We have so much time left and I want to make every minute worth it. Whether it be the past, present or future, I'll always be in love with you. And I hope you're in love with me, just as deeply as I fell for you."

Will was crying now, not of sadness, but of happiness. His chest aches. "I love you too Mikey." He hugs Mike tightly. "I wanna spend forever with you. Forever and beyond- infinity."

Mike cries a bit too, hugging back.

"Infinity it is."

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