AN: Happy 20th birthday Chance 🎉

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Not an update I'm so sorry it's coming soon tho. I got side tracked because I'm writing another story . 🙄

I just wanted to say happy birthday to Mr. Chance Perez. He's 20 just like me lol, I turned 20 last month ( October 19th).

When's your birthday?

If you would like to see the flip I made for him it's posted on my Twitter and Instagram.


Thank you so much for being patient

• Instagram is Chance_devin_michael and my personal one is achaney97

•Twitter is boybandCDM and my personal is achaney97

•Snapchat is mrslukebrooks76

•Snapchat is mrslukebrooks76

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It all started with a DM: Chance Perez Where stories live. Discover now