1. Who's This

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*Beep Beep*

Jihye took out her phone checking the notification that was just sent to her right now. It's 2:45 am. Who texts at this hour?

Unknown: Hey

Jihye: Hi?

Unknown: How are you?

Jihye: Good...Who's this?

Unknown: You don't need to know ;)

Jihye: Um...okay..then.. bye I guess..?

Unknown: Wait. I just want to talk.

Jihye: Listen, dude, I don't know who the hell you are and it's freaking 3 in the morning.

Unknown: Sorry, I just needed to talk to someone... and I stumbled upon your page and thought that you were pretty cute so...

Jihye grew slightly embarrassed at the compliment, though at the same time she feels uncomfortable. Who is this person behind the screen?

Jihye: Okay whatever, that doesn't give you the rights to disturb my sleep.

Unknown: Who says I cant text someone at 3 in the morning :)

Jihye: ugh..

The guy on the other side of the screen could feel her incredulous as he smirks at her reply

Jihye: Anyways, we can talk but not now, I need to sleep, I have class tomorrow.

Unknown: Alrighty, thanks for chatting with me! 

With that, they both ended their conversation and went to bed not knowing each other's identities.


Jihye wakes up to the sound of her alarm clock. She sits up on her bed rubbing her eyes. Her bed hair sticking up in every direction possible.

She walks into the bathroom and did her normal morning routine, which is brushing her teeth, combing her hair, putting on makeup, changing, and heads to University.

She dropped by a nearby cafe to purchase breakfast because her brain just can't function without morning coffee. As she walked in and stood in line she hears a beep coming from her phone signaling that a notification has hit. She reaches into her purse and takes out her phone.

Unknown: Morning!

Jihye: Ah.. Good morning

Unknown: Am I really that bad to talk to?

Jihye: No, no, I'm just tired. I'm waiting in line to order my coffee.

Unknown: Oh? Cool. Which cafe?

Jihye: It's one near my Uni. It's called Bon Appetit.

Unknown: You're a Uni student? Wow, I guess we have a lot in common.

Jihye heard the lady as she called out a name.

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