10. Garden

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Sorry for not posting often, schools been hard lately.

"DAEBAKK!" Sana shouted from the other side of the line. I tilted my head away from the piercing voice wavering through my phone.

"So you guys are official now!!?" She asked, still surprised by what I've told her.

"Yes." I squealed slightly thinking about Jimin. Joy fills my body each time I think of him, a smile slowly made its way to my face as I continue to scroll through Jimin's latest post on my laptop.

"This is big news, we have to celebrate" Sana exclaimed as her voice grew more exaggerated each second.

I laughed at her silliness until I heared a familiar voice on the other side, another voice that doesn't belong to Sana.

"Have you seen my watch?" he asked. Puzzled, I waited for Sana to finish her conversation with him before I start talking.

"No, maybe it's in the living room?" Sana answered him. Hearing a click, assuming it was from the door the person just shut, I immediately asked the question

"Who was that?" turning to the side of my black chair, my ears up, waiting for her reply.

"Oh.. Just a friend that came over" she answered with a slight hesitation in her tone. I can feel something fishy going on. I can smell it! That was such a familiar voice, where have I heard that from? My mind swims around trying to remember who that voice belongs to.

"It's not about me right now! It's about you! When is your date?" Sana snapped me out of my thoughts

"Oh. In 4 hours" I smiled sheepishly. My first date with Jimin, I can't help but feel nervous yet excited. " When should I come over?" I asked her. Sana knows what to do in these situations. She can dress me up real good when I need to go to an interview or campaigns or a date.

"Come over right now." She told me. I nodded even though she couldn't see, I told her I'll be coming right away as I shut my laptop and bid goodbye to her.

I slipped into a nice white turtleneck and caramel brown skirt. It's becoming more and more chilly lately. The autumn leaves that fall from the twisted trees are now accomplish, embracing the cloudy nights and freezing air. As now the Christmas decoration is what illuminates the city. When will the first snow come?

I slapped on just the slightest of makeup before grabbing my warm jacket and exits my apartment complex, heading towards Sana's house in the cab.

*Ding Dong*

Her door opens showing her nicely decorated living room. "You're here!" Sana said with her exciting tone. Feeling like she is dressing up a real life barbie doll.

I chuckled and nodded before she guides me into her house and sat me down.

She eyes me from head to toe as one of her hand goes under her chin. "Hmmm." She hummed

"Something wrong with my outfit?" I asked, furrowing my brows. I thought I put together this piece pretty well, though am I wrong?

"No, I just never knew you had a sense of fashion" Sana smirked, accompanied by her evil laugh at the end.

"Yahhhhhh!" I shouted at her and we both cracked up into fitted waves of laughter.

"Alright, alright, let's stop fooling, we need to get you dolled up!" Sana said, begins to walk towards her bedroom as I follow behind, until something shiny caught my eyes. A spark from the reflection of what seems to be a small piece of mirror reflecting underneath the coffee table. A watch? I thought to myself as I went to pick it up.

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