8. Clear

31 0 0

A/N: Made some changes

*Beep Beep*

Jimin: Hey

Jimin: You up?

Read 11:32

I couldn't make myself reply to his text. I don't have the courage to. Remembering the kiss from last night hurts. The feeling of not being able to satify Jimin, not being better enough for Jimin all came rushing back. My chest tightens each time I think about him. I ignored his text and buried my face in my blanket on the couch.

*Beep Beep*

Jimin: Jihye...

Jimin: please respond. Stop ignoring me.

Delivered 11:33

I don't even want to check it anymore. I just hope I can disappear from this world right now. Leaving behind the embarrassment and sadness. The notification stopped a few minutes later letting the silence fill the air again.

Is he giving up this quickly...

"Maybe he really doesn't like me, he just wanted me for my body probably. He stopped messaging me already..." I sighed as I feel the tears hit my eyes. Threatening to fall out, I wiped it with my hands quickly.

The doorbell rang right after. Expecting it to be Taehyung coming over to bother or maybe this time, to comfort me again but if it's him why doesn't he just type in the passcode? Without much care, I dragged myself to the door and opened it

Standing in front of me is the man who made me feel weird and hurt.

Park Jimin.

I looked down avoiding eye contacts. "What are you doing here..." I said bluntly not wanting the weak side of me to poke through.

"I came to finish up our business." he said, his breath was heavy catching my attention I looked up. His hair was disheveled as if he's been running. I could see sparks of sweat running down his forehead.

"We don't have any business" I put that out quickly, knowing if I stay here any longer I would break. I stepped back and began to close the door before his hand caught its way and pushed it open hitting the wall slightly. I flinched back as he walked closer to me.

I backed up until my back hits the cold wall. He put his hands on neither side of me trapping me in. He leaned in closer once again and kicked the door close. I wanted to push him away but I wanted him to continue. My emotions mixed. He leaned in and kissed me, it felt so wrong yet so right. His teeth slightly tugged my bottom lip telling me to respond but I couldn't. I gathered enough courage and pushed him away before the lust takes over.

"Stop..." I said softly

"This is wron-" I continued but was cut off by him.

"I like you, I like you a lot." He said "Is that the answer you're looking for?"

My eyes widen as the words came out his mouth. "R-really?" I asked again, as if I heard it wrong. I could feel my cheeks heating up.

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