14. Unexpected

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Jihye walked down the street, her hands in her pocket. The cold air swooning around her, nose and cheeks red from the contact. It was currently 10:11 pm. Probably wasn't a good idea to walk home this late by herself. Sana had suggested Jungkook to walk her home but Jihye refused to bother the two lovebirds. Eventually, Sana let her off with "Okay! You must text me when you get home!" or "Walk the streets with more lights!" and "Don't shortcut!" Jungkook who was waving goodbye to Jihye cut her off with his hand on her mouth pulling her back into the house, like a scene that happened in the movie not too long ago that sent shivers down Jihye's spine, but soon felt the fit of laughter from the silliness of them two.

Reaching her apartment complex, Jihye tapped her key and opened the front door, greeted by a sleepy security guard sitting at the front desk. She got into the elevator and pressed floor 5, the door closed shortly after. She fished her phone out during the meantime and checked the notification again.

Jimin: Answer me.

Jimin: Are you alright?

Jimin: Where are you??

Jimin: Jihye!

Jimin: Sweetie!

Jimin: Honey! Jagi!

Jimin: Babe

Shit, the last one got her, even her little buddy her heart was moved by it. Her cheeks tinted pink within the instant. The silver door sliding open reviewing her a place that is oh so familiar. Walking down doors and doors until she hits the corner, she turned, only to face upon someone unexpected.


A/N: Man how many times has this happened.

"Jihye!" Jimin shouted. Wearing a loosely hanging jacket, no scarf, no gloves, no nothing, running towards her happily that she's in front of him right now. Her heart beats each time when Jimin appears, sometimes out of nowhere giving her hugs and kisses.

"You finish your hang out with Mina?" Jihye questioned, purposely pushing the buttons, Walking to her door as Jimin follows behind her. Jimin crept a smile behind her, loving how the little things could make Jihye so jealous and possessive.

"Yeah, so I came to see you." His voice was slightly dry and hoarse. He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, burying his face into the nape of her neck, inhaling all her scent that he misses so much. Jihye sneaked a smile at the same time giving Jimin a cold back, the loving warmth she receives from Jimin is indescribable. Jihye grows weak in his embrace, he never fails to make her knees go weak. Trying to forget the weight behind her she juggled her keys finding the right one and opened her apartment door, Jimin following not far behind her.

Jihye sighed after dumping her keys on the counter, she turned around in his hold and grabbed his cheeks. His hands were cold to the touch when he wrapped his arms around her. "What are you doing? Wearing this? Seriously, Park Jimin."

"It's fine-" before he could even finish he let out a hearty, loud sneeze, his whole body leaned to the side trying to avoid getting Jihye sick. Jihye rubbed the side of her ear, hoping her eardrums were still in her head and not popped out and broken. Wanting to give Jimin an 'I told you' lecture but seeing this poor boy shivers under his thinly pieced clothing made Jihye's heart grew weak.

She led Jimin to the couch before hurriedly back into the kitchen to make him a hot lemon tea. Appearing back in the living room that is dimly lit up by a lamp at the corner of the room. She sat down next to Jimin holding out the lemon tea towards him who gladly accepted it. "Don't do that again," Jihye said, looking at the boy blowing on the cup of lemon tea. His brow raised up, looking confused as to what he had done. "Don't wear a thin t-shirt under a jacket that is unbuttoned," her hands reached down to the hem of his shirt rubbing it between her index and thumb to feel the soft cotton. "You don't even have a scarf nor gloves."

Jimin's smile grew wider at her concerns, how wonderful it is to have someone worried about you. He took a sip of his lemon tea, his nose scrunched up slighting from the sourness hitting his tongue, though he didn't hate it, he actually likes sour things. He placed the cup down on the small coffee table in front of him. "Jihye," he reached his hands to cup her little cheeks. Jihye flinched slightly under his touch. His hand is still cold with hints of warmth. Jimin chuckled "Sorry." apologizing for touching Jihye with his cold hands which she didn't mind at all. He slowly leaned in reducing their proximity. His eyes flickered from her eyes to her lips, going in for a sweet quick peck, but that moment never came. Jihye covered her mouth almost immediately, just before Jimin could land on her mouth. "I'm not letting you kiss me, not when you're sick." Jihye said, her sentence was fully muffled by her small hand.

Jimin pouted slightly "Just one quick peck." he urged. To his dismay, dropping his head down low when Jihye shook her head vigorously but not long after he picks up and turns around, so fast that he swears he heard his neck crack when he felt a kiss on his temple. Taking in this chance he swiftly catches Jihye's mouth with his leaving behind a loving, pleasurable kiss that they both had miss during the past few days.

"You little piece of.." Jimin hushed Jihye with his finger before she could actually curse the hell out of Jimin. "No cursing." he shook his head. Jihye huffed, crossing her arms in front her chest. The thoughts of Jimin being with Mina for the past few days came rushing back to her. Her mind desperately wanting to know what they did when they were out and just what are they. "Jimin I-" She stopped. Her body ushers with fear of the truth that was going to be told. She was afraid of being rejected, or the feeling of discarded and not wanted anymore, what if Jimin leaves her?

Her eyes trailed down to her hands that were involuntarily shuffling on her lap. Trying to remain calm, she inhaled and exhaled. Jimin, on the other hand, didn't show signs of confusion it's as if he could see right through her- "If you're wondering about me and Mina," Jihye shot up and looked at him. Just how is he doing that?

Well because the author is controlling you guys. :))))

"She's...actually..my cousin" Jihye's eyes widen in disbelief. "She's what?!" she sought although she clearly heard him. "She's my cousin." Jimin answered, holding back his laughter. "Park Jimin why didn't you tell me earlier!" Jihye shouted at the boy-man who is now tumbling all over the couch holding his stomach as laughter spilled out from his mouth. "I'm s-sorry, I didn't g-get the chance to." he said in between breath, letting the laughter subside as he wipes the tears escaping from the corner of his eyes from laughing too hard. "You made me feel unsettle for the whole week." Jihye muttered.

Her body that was tense just a minute ago has relaxed. She's relieved that everything is clear now. Although really there was nothing much to worried about at the beginning. It's just her, Jihye. She couldn't stop the stupid thoughts that the devil on her should spills when she thinks about Jimin. "I'm sorry, baby." his two strong arms wrapped around Jihye's waist, pulling her in tight. Real tight.

Jihye blushed, just when did Jimin come accustom to call her baby? She didn't mind though, it was sweet and no matter what Jimin calls her she would love it. She's whipped, for him, and so is he.

Jimin smiled at her reaction. He was glad he learned something from Mina that was actually a somehow a decent advice he had received from the past few days of hanging out with her just before she goes back to America. The pass few hangouts were more like 'nonstop Mina talking, giving advice to Jimin who didn't lay an eye on her'. She insisted on treating a girl sweetly, told him to call her pet names (which is the start of Jimin calling Jihye, baby), give her hugs and kisses, and of course, make food for her, because who wouldn't fall in love with a man who can cook? Well, that was according to Mina and her requirements. So if anyone is interested in Mina and has all three of those skills down in the bottom of his heart, go for her or else she will be single for life.

The warmth and comfort radiating off both their bodies set them in spell. Slowly but surely they drifted off to sleep in the silent night, the moon shining brightly and the stars twinkling in the sea of darkness.

A/n: Ending this book soon :)) thanks for reading my book. Honestly, I'm so grateful, I don't deserve you guys omg. It's almost reaching to 100 reads. I know to a lot it may not be a big number but c'mon it's big ;). WOWOWO

January 5, 2018

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