Chapter 2

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Neon lights were seeping through the windows of the mansion, the walls seemed to vibrate along with the music that was blowing up the inside of the house. This mansion had belonged to Terrence’s cousin before he left town, so it was abandoned until Terrence came up with the idea of holding the parties there. It was situated at the side of the town, so there weren’t a lot of neighbours complaining about the noise.

"Aye Felix," Terrence called out, stalking towards Felicia with a beer in his hand when he had noticed the blonde slipping into the living room.

Felicia had walked here – her house was on the other side of Springdale but she had no choice. Despite her parents' frequent absence, they were completely against the idea of Felicia driving on her own. Sure, she hasn't got her license yet but her parents made a point about how she won't be getting her own car any time soon.

Terrence scanned her appearance – a washed out jersey with a black pair of leggings. Terrence mentally chuckled knowingly. She had made a lot of effort to earn the respect from the boys in the soccer team , and she won’t let them think that she was just any other girl just because of what she wears – which completely explains why she’s covering up the curves she has.

"Terrence," Felicia nodded nonchalantly, but the corner of her lips were turned upwards into a smile.

Felicia probably only has Terrence as a best friend even though she sits with the whole soccer team at lunch and hung out with them on a daily basis. It was hard being a girl with a big group of boys because it was impossible to share some things with them.

Terrence was the only one she could really talk to, though.

They’ve met since Freshmen year, at the soccer trials.

"Why are you even here ? You have practically no chance of getting in," Terrence Jones snickered , a group of boys guffawing behind him .

Felicia frowned, and straightened her back until she was looking up at Terrence straight in his eye, her 5’4 figure dwarfed by his 6’0 figure. Terrence had always been a tall kid.

"Oh yeah? Try me," Felicia scoffed before turning away, joining the other kids for the trials.

Terrence had been eyeing the feisty blonde in front of him , dribbling the ball and dodging the opponents with such ease. As much as he wouldn’t want to admit it, and he never would  - he was impressed.

At the end of the trials, right before Felicia picked up her bag and left, Terrence had caught up to her, holding her by her arm.

"You’ve got game," Terrence drawled, holding out his hand. He had put on a nonchalant act but even the blind could see that he wanted to be friends.

Felicia glanced at his hand before meeting his bright blue eyes with her duller blue eyes, a smirk forming at the corner of her lips before she shook his hand.

From that day onwards, they’ve been close friends.

"What are you thinking about?" Terrence whispered, one of his eyebrow lifted in amusement.

Felicia shook her head, "Same old , same old," she shrugged before letting Terrence lead her further into the house to get a drink.

Holding up a glass, Felicia watched as Terrence mixed some vodka and some cranberry juice together.

Taking a sip, she felt the fruity flavour burst on her tongue. Nodding her head to imply that it was good, Felicia walked to the backyard where most of the soccer boys would usually be.

"Hey guys," She greeted, taking a seat on a vacant patch of grass.

This part of the backyard was strictly reserved for the soccer players, there weren’t any signs to say, ' KEEP OUT ONLY SOCCER PLAYERS ALLOWED ' but it just happened naturally.

"Jason Miller, huh?" Johnson, one of the senior soccer players spoke up just as Terrence sat down next to Felicia.

"Yeah it’s crazy, probably the biggest case to happen in Springdale," Evan, another senior drawled.

Multiple agreements echoed from the circle of soccer players.

"I heard that some scientists came to Springdale because of this, they were saying that they needed to run some tests or something?" Terrence joined in.

"How do you even get these information? You get them all the time," Felicia shook her head, taking another sip of her drink.

"Totally," The group of boys chorused before taking a sip of their own drink.

Terrence rolled his eyes.

"But half of the time they’re true," He defended himself , holding up his hands.

"Half of the time," Felicia emphasized with a small chuckle.

The group erupted into laughter as Terrence gave Felicia a gentle head butt – if there was ever a thing called a gentle head butt to begin with.

Felicia rolled over, losing her balance momentarily before shifting back up again, smacking Terrence on the back of his head.

"Anyway, don’t you guys try to get into any trouble now. It’s soccer season soon and we have to make sure we’re the champions this year," Felicia spoke , changing the subject . She didn't want the team to start wasting their time talking about something which they're not involved in. It didn't make sense either for scientists to travel into Springdale to run some tests. Didn't the news state that there were nothing they could find to trace back to Jason Miller? In this case, it didn't make sense for them to 'run some tests' when there's nothing here. Which then proves that the rumour was completely fake and they shouldn't waste time on something which isn't real.

Soon, the group was buzzing on the strategies they’ve been using for the past few matches and coming up with better ones.

Felicia finished the last bit of her drink before she stood up, telling the boys that she’ll go get a refill.

Making her way to the tables, she felt her wrist itch. Felicia scratched it, scratching the spiral that was printed on her wrist which had been there since birth. When she had reached the table, it continued to itch even more.

Was it an allergy reaction?

A dark haired boy with ice blue eyes arrived next to her, his long fingers scratching the same spot on his wrist.

Felicia glanced up at him, recognising him almost immediately.

He was Dean Kingsley, the so-called labelled, 'Emo Kid' in their school. As much as Felicia understood though, he just kept to himself and not exactly 'Emo Kid' material.

Dean glanced back at her, his eyes looking at the spiral on her wrist before he stopped scratching his own wrist.

Felicia’s dull blue eyes flickered in between her own wrist and the dark haired boy’s , seeing the similar intricate spiral printed on their right wrist.

"Are we long lost siblings?" Felicia gasped incredulously.

Amusement filled Dean’s eyes as he stifled a laugh, shaking his head.

"Pretty sure we look nothing alike," His voice was deep, but it had a velvety touch to it.

Felicia was about to smile when she winced, pain pricking into her wrist like needles.

She didn’t have to look at Dean to know that he was feeling the same pain as she was. Felicia could hear him take in a sharp intake of breath to lessen the pain, but both of them knew that it wasn’t helping.

Taking a glance down at the spiral on their wrists, it was starting to burn, etching even deeper into their skins and giving off a glow.

Felicia felt Dean’s hands enveloped hers as he pulled her out of the mansion and they started running down the streets, in search for a quiet place.

Even though they haven’t known each other at all, they both felt a bond. The fear that rose in their stomach was threatening to knock out the air in them.

They knew that their lives were in danger .

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