Chapter 6

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Ugh Monday.

Usually mistaken as the start of the week but it’s actually the second day of the week. Then again, who cares? Monday still sucks anyway.

Felicia woke up, a faint throbbing of the vein in her temple pumped along to the blinking of her eyes as she tried to clear her eyes that were blur with fatigue. She hasn’t gotten over the after effects of the party she had went on Friday night even though it has already been more than two days. She can already hear Terrence calling her a wiener.

She groaned as the blurriness cleared from her vision, only then had she realised that it was still dark outside. It must be at least an hour or two before her alarm would start ringing and perform exorcism on the demons under her bed. Flipping over to lie on her right side, Felicia let out a loud and dramatic sigh, satisfied when she felt a little bit more relaxed afterwards. Lifting her hand up to try to control her lamp, a coin lifted from the table and hit her square in the forehead instead. “Shit,” Felicia muttered a string of profanities as she threw the coin aside, feeling the light dent in her forehead.

Yes God, you’re completely right to give me a power which can easily kill myself with a knife. Why couldn’t I have gotten something more elemental? Then I could be featured in the Legend of Aang.

Scoffing lightly, Felicia hopped up from her bed and stomped into the bathroom. If anything else wouldn’t clear her head, she was sure a cold shower would definitely do.


“Aye, Felix, you’ve been blanking out since school started. You a’ight?” Terrence spoke, picking on the carrot stick that he had left on the side of the tray. His eyebrows furrowed lightly as he continued to play with the food. It took Felicia a few seconds to register Terrence’s words. “O-Oh,” She stumbled on her words when she realised that he was talking to her. “Woke up way before my alarm, I am bloody tired,” Felicia explained, groaning as she pulled out a piece of lettuce from her hamburger. Terrence immediately dragged the lettuce to join his carrot stick. “I get ya,” Terrence nodded, believing Felicia’s half lie.

Felicia was spacing out because she was more than worried. Dean and she hadn’t planned how they were going to gather their own team of people with powers. They weren’t even sure if there were even five of them to begin with. It certainly didn’t make things easier when they know that there’s a bunch of crazy scientists belonging to a company named Dawn, probably wanting to capture them for human experiments. Felicia silently scoffed before Terrence threw his carrot stick at her forehead.

Making a face and flinging the carrot stick back at Terrence, Felicia made a move to smack him right on the head but her height was nothing compared to Terrence’s gigantic size. He restrained her with a smug smirk. After a few minutes of useless struggling, Felicia sat back down with a huff. “You were daydreaming again,” Terrence commented, shaking his head. The blonde girl rolled her eyes, making no effort to reply to him. Her blue eyes lit up like how it used to on Christmas day when she saw Dean – she hadn’t seen him at all today.

“I’ll be right back,” Felicia muttered, slipping out of the seat and trudging towards the brown haired, lanky boy. When the soccer players realised who she was going to, one of them jeered teasingly. “I knew you preferred this kind of guys,” before letting out an audible “Ouch!” No doubt Terrence had probably shot his carrot stick at the guy, trying to defend his best friend. Felicia rolled her eyes yet again as she called out for Dean.


The lanky figure spun around, confusion evident in his ice blue eyes as he did, but when he saw Felicia’s face, it faded off and was replaced with a small smile. “What’s up?” Dean tilted his head lightly. Felicia led him to the school’s backyard, noticing the sandwich in his hand. “Well, I was thinking about something,” She spoke, sitting down on a green patch of grass. “Why don’t you share your thoughts?” Dean replied, asking a rhetorical question as he shrugged, removing the plastic wrap from the sandwich.

“What if there isn’t a lot of us? They say strength comes in numbers but what if we only have a few? What if there’s only the two of us?” Felicia asked, eyeing his bacon sandwich. Dean took a bite from his sandwich, not noticing Felicia’s gaze on his lunch. “There was Jason Miller before he died, so I think there’ll be more of us. Maybe just not anywhere near Springdale,” He mumbled after swallowing his sandwich. “We might not have enough brawns, but we can use our brains to survive,” Dean added, using his index finger to tap on his temple as an added effect.

“So what do you suggest?” Felicia asked, shamelessly staring at the sandwich yet again. Yes, she just had a hamburger and she was a girl – but hey, she’s growing … At least she thinks she is. “Well, we can continue to try and find more people. Some people may already know about their powers, some may not. We already have an important clue on how to recognise them,” Dean replied, pointing at the intricate spiral that marked both of their wrists before he continued. “If they don’t believe whatever you’re saying since it’s completely unbelievable, show them your wrist. They’ll probably believe you or die of shock.”

Felicia nodded gingerly. “Can I have a mouth of that?” She asked, putting on an innocent smile as she pointed to his sandwich. Dean groaned. “I knew it!” He muttered before passing his precious lunch to Felicia.


The blonde blue-eyed girl groaned as she stalked out of her last lesson of the day – physics. She detested physics. People make it look so simple by applying the formula but no matter how she applied the formula, she still wouldn’t get the answer. Stalking to her locker, Felicia punched in her combination. She was about to swing the door open when she heard someone trip behind her and fall to the ground with an audible “oomph”.

Turning around, Felicia saw a slender blonde guy flat on the floor with his books all scattered on the floor. She didn’t recognise him at all – even though she knew the name of the cat that belonged to the librarian. Felicia bent down and helped the blonde up before she started to help him pick up the book which he’d dropped onto the floor. Once done gathering the books, she passed it back to him. “Exchange student?” Felicia enquired as she scanned his features and damn was he a looker. Sure, she was a tom boy and everything but she was still a girl. He was probably a little bit shorter than Terrence, his blonde hair styled upwards casually and a navy blue tee hugged his broad shoulders which slightly contrasted his slender figure. His eyes were of a hazel colour, occasionally sprinkled with golden flecks. The boy blushed and shook his head, holding his hand out. “Logan Wade, I'm a senior and I've just recently moved into Springdale,” He spoke with a kind smile upon his lips. “Felicia Faux, captain of the soccer team,” Felicia introduced with pride.

As they exchanged a firm handshake, Felicia noticed a familiar spiral printed on Logan’s wrist. She looked up into his eyes and saw that he too saw Felicia’s spiral and knowingness flooded his hazel eyes. Logan met her gaze and gave her a smile, as if to say ‘I’m not alone’


Author’s Note::

Okay, I have been a complete ass so please forgive me for not updating this story. Radio Personality (my other book) is getting more reads than I thought I would, but this book isn’t. I am not biased btw, not biased at all. Because this is teen fiction, why not spice it up with hot guys with hot personalities? /evillaughter/ Anyhow, I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter.

Please do remember to vote, comment and fan! Don’t go crazy over Radio Personality and neglect this little baby please.

Also, if you have any account on social media, please follow me!

Twitter(@lukeasslut) & Instagram(@cherrie_lim)

Lots of love, hope I can update soon enough!

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