Chapter 1

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"Jason Miller, 18 year old boy, had vanished after an explosion. The body in the alley way where the explosion took place, was proven to be Ricardo Slez’s body, one of the most dangerous men in Springdale. Witnesses also seen Jason getting pulled into an alley way by Slez and had made a call to the police station. However, when the police arrived, the bomb had already gone off," The news reporter spoke.

Pictures of the aftermath of the explosion was on a slide show next to her head.

"Reports also say that it is impossible for Jason to be completely gone, seeing how powerful the explosion was, it was also impossible for him to survive the impact. It was also impossible to not trace any of his DNA. The surrounding buildings have been damaged due to the impact but the people involved had only suffered minor injuries…"

Felicia Faux shoved a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth.

Jason Miller.

She remembered him from high school.

He was supposed to graduate this year, along with her. Jason got straight A’s for almost everything and he practically had no friends.

Felicia Faux had been his biology partner for Freshmen and Sophomore year , and for both years , she had scored at least a B with him. Of course , from Junior year onwards , she started to fail Biology without his presence.

He could’ve had a bright future though, what a shame.

She shook her head, finishing the very last bit of her sugary treat before switching off the television with the remote.

Standing up, Felicia dumped the tub into the sink when her phone let out a soft ‘beep’.

"What’s up, Terrence?" Felicia answered her phone.

"Yo Felix!" Terrence addressed Felicia by her nickname.

"You wanna meet up for a party? Soccer season is coming soon and we should relax as much as we can before we get sucked into a shit load of training," Terrence bellowed on the other side of the line.

"What time?" Felicia asked, her eyes instantly shifting to the clock.

"7 PM, the usual place," He replied.

Felicia agreed before hanging up.

Her mother wasn’t going to be back tonight, she had to work an extra shift at the hospital – which meant that her father wouldn’t be back too.

They both work at the hospital – her mother being a nurse, and her father being a doctor. They always had the same shifts, so when one parent is home, the other would be too. Same thing when either of them aren’t home.

She was also the only child, so she was frequently left alone at home.

Taking one more glance at the clock, she went ahead to take a shower.


He adjusted his hat as he stalked into the dark alley, his assistant trailing behind him. They bent under the yellow tape as they continued deeper into the alley where the boy had died – where their hope had died.

He bent down, his fingers lifting up the delicate ash with a gentle pinch.

"Mitch," He beckoned.

"Here you go, Sir," Mitch handed him a test tube.

His pearly whites glistened as he smiled, watching the ash drift limply into the test tube before he had secured it. He passed it back to Mitch, whom slotted it inside this compartment in his suit case.

Domino stood up, brushing the left over ash from his long and skinny fingers.

He was happy and hopeful, no doubt.

Ah, how wonderful the feeling was. It would feel even better when you take it away from people.

Domino had spent decades researching on immortality. He approached people for investments, but each and every one of them laughed in his face before turning their bodies and walking away. After he had finally realised that everybody would laugh at him unless he had proved them wrong, he started to gather his resources and he was determined to make them regret what they've said.

He started to recruit people who were like him, seeking for immortality – seeking for perfection in this world full of flaws.

Domino had named this organisation Dawn. He had wanted it to show light to people that perfection do exists, he wants to make this world a perfect one – he wanted to rule this perfect world.

He had resorted to many different means – most of them more ruthless than the last .

Domino tried injecting animal DNA into humans, wanting to find out if there’s even a possibility of one of them turning into something like Spiderman. Of course , it didn’t work and it costed him a large amount of innocent lives.

Then, he had somehow ruled out the fact that some people were born to be perfect – were born with the gifts bestowed from God. Domino never found one of them , until today – one of their ashes , to be exact .

Domino knew that he had to hunt down the rest, and they shouldn’t be very far away. If there is one here, there were bound to be others here too.

Domino won’t stop until each and every single one of them are caught.

He won’t stop until the world has been rid of it’s flaws.

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