01 A strange proposal

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A strange proposal

'Blaine?' I asked but Blaine was still in his own little world. He kept stirring up his Latte and hummed the melody to the song he performed just a few hours earlier at the Summer Show audition. He had performed amazingly. But who am I kidding. Blaine’s always amazing and dreamy. When he starts to sing you simply have to feel happy and forget everything around you. You just focus on his voice. I'm pretty sure those responsible for the show felt the same way. One woman had looked like she had a few tears in her eyes but I'm not quite sure because she'd wiped them away pretty fast.

I cleared my throat loudly which let Blaine finally wake up out of his daydreams. He looked up and said 'Sorry Kurt. I was lost in thoughts. I keep repeating the audition in my mind. It was great, wasn't it? I can't wait to hear who got the part.' He said the last sentence with so much passion that I could help but smile. 'It was great and I'm pretty sure you'll get the role, baby. Not somebody else.' 'I don’t know. Have you seen this guy who came right before me?' Blaine asked turning a insecure. 'You mean that extremely tall one who looked at you all the time? What about him?' Blaine nearly choked on his Latte. 'Wait what? He did what?' I started giggling. 'You haven’t noticed, have you?' 'You’re joking' said Blaine startled. 'No I’m not but anyway what were you saying about him?' Still looking at me with disbelief Blaine said 'Well. I was trying to say that maybe he’ll get the part. He was really good.' 'Now you're the one who's joking. Maybe he was good but you were a lot better.' I really meant it like that. There's only one other person who is better than Blaine Anderson. Myself of course but Blaine's almost as talented as me. Almost.

My boyfriend smiled at me and looked at his watch. 'Oh we better go. Burt said that I should bring you back for Dinner.' He started to get up but I took his hand and said 'Wait a second. I need to talk to you about something.' Blaine sat down again and asked suspiciously 'In the Lima Bean? Why not in your room?' 'Because every time we are together in my room I have the suspicion that Finn’s spying on us and this is none of his business.' Blaine smirked and meant 'Ok. So what you want to talk about?' I took a deep breath. 'I want to talk about school next year.' Seriously Blaine asked 'You want to talk about me transfering to McKinley, don’t you?' I nodded slowly. 'Yes. I know the Warblers are like a family to you and you would get slushied a lot at McKinley but I want to spend more time with you. I hate seeing you only on weekends.' My boyfriend gave me a warm smile and slightly squeezed my hand. 'Kurt about that...' 'Please Blaine. Give the New Directions at least a chance. Yes you would probably..How does Rachel say?..swing in the background with the rest of us while Finn and she sing most of the solos in there but we went to Nationals and beat the Warblers remember?' Blaine rolled with his eyes and started laughing. 'Remembering me that the New Directions beat us at Regionals is not the best strategy to convince me to transfer you know.' I pouted and turned away. 'Kurt' Blaine said but I didn't turned back and kept looking at the cashier instead. 'I would love to transfer to McKinley.' I spined back so fast that I almost fell from my chair. 'You would?' I asked a little breathless and grossly excited. 'Of course but-' I shoot him a look which said 'This but better be good'. Blaine smiled leniently and continued '-but we have a few problems here.' I sat back and said 'Don't tell me you have a problem leaving your blazer behind.' Blaine closed his eyes trying hard not to start laughing again. 'It's not about my blazer. Although I really like it. It's about that I don’t know if you can attend your school.' 'How’d you mean that? You simply have to talk to Figgins.' 'Kurt it's not that easy. McKinley High if for Lima students but I live in Westerville. That’s a different city and normally I wouldn’t be allowed to attend your school unless-' 'Unless you would move to Lima' I finished his sentence more to myself than as answer. An extreme strange idea popped into my head. My Dad would kill me but I wanted Blaine so badly to join me at McKinley that I didn’t care.

'Blaine' I asked slowly. 'Do you love me?' My boyfriend looked at me marveled. 'Kurt what's on your mind?' I started smirking. 'Answer my question first. Do you love me?' 'Of course I love you.' 'And you would do everything to make me happy, wouldn’t you?' Blaine signed but you could hear he tried not to giggle. 'Yes I would do everything for you but what's your point here?' 'You just said that you're not sure if you could attend McKinley High and that probably would have to live here. So I was thinking. Maybe you could move in with me and we wouldn’t have this problem anymore.'

Blaines jaw dropped and he began to stutter 'But..Kurt..What about...I mean..I don’t know..' Slowly the smile faded off my face 'You don’t want to move in with me.' 'That’s not what I meant Kurt. Don’t you think it’s a little bit rushed? I mean we're only dating for half a year and already moving together?' I crossed my arms on my chest. 'That doesn’t answer my question Blaine. Do you want to move in with me or not?' He was silent for a moment and only looked me in the eyes. 'There's nothing I want more.' Suddenly the butterflies started to spread in my stomach again. I had the chance that Blaine would actual move in. I was so happy. You had to see my happiness because Blaine said 'I love to see you happy but what about Burt? I don’t think your Dad would be too happy about this idea?' I bite my lips. Yes my Dad could be a problem. I said could be. You just have to know how to play it. I started sneering. 'You just have to play it right, Blaine.' 'I know that smile. You always get it when you have a crazy idea.' 'Carol' was all I said. 'What about her?' 'First we need to convince Carol because when we have her on our side Dad will likelier say yes.' 'But what if she says no?' 'Oh she won't' I said already planning the arguments in my head. 'I have good arguments why you should move in and in fact she simply loves you.' 'Does she?' Blaine asked amused. 'Yes she does. Oh this is going to be perfect.' 'I don’t mean to ruin your whole plan here again but don’t you forget somebody?' 'Who?' Blaines eyes grew a little darker. 'My parents. I don’t think that they would care where I live but if they say no..' 'What makes you think that they wouldn’t care?' I asked a little concerned. I knew that Blaine had a 'difficult' relationship with his parents but he won't talk about it and I haven't met them yet so I can't judge. 'Experience' he simply answered. 'Kurt I don’t want to rush but if you don’t leave soon your Dad is going to kill me.' 'No he won't' I said but got up. Together we got out of the Lima Bean and headed to Blaines car. We got in and Blaine started the car.

'About your parents' I picked up the conversation again. 'Yes?' 'I have an Idea.' 'You're having lots of ideas today' Blaine mocked me as he drove down a street near my home. I rolled my eyes. 'About your parents. Why don’t you come over tomorrow for Dinner and we talk with my Dad and Carol?' 'Already tomorrow?' Blaine stopped the car and turned to me. 'We should to it as soon as possible and if they say yes you and I go to your parents and talk to them.' Blaine looked at my house and signed. 'Tomorrow is fine but about my folks. No offense but I have to do that myself.' I pulled back a little. Ok that hurt. Why wouldn’t he let me meet his parents? They couldn’t be that bad. Or was he ashamed of me? 'Why not? Are you ashamed of me or something?' I asked hurt and looked down. A moment later I suddenly felt how Blaine took my hands with his. 'Kurt you are the best thing that has happened to me in the past year. So please don’t you even dare think something like that. It's just my Dad can hurt people really bad. He's a master in it and I want to spare you that. You understand?' I nodded slowly. I gave him a peck on the lips. 'You don’t have to protect me you know. One day I'll meet your parents if you want to or not. I'm sure he won't kill me for dating his son' I said with a wink. Blaine smiled but then groaned. 'Oh he won't but your Dad will if you don’t get out of the car right now.' I looked up and saw that my Dad was standing in the open door. I moaned and kissed Blaine again. 'So I see you tomorrow around 7 pm for Dinner?' 'I’ll be there' he answered with a smile. I squeezed his hand and finally got out of the car.

I closed the door and walked up to my Dad. I heard Blaine drive away. Before Dad could say a thing I said 'Blaine's coming for Dinner tomorrow. Is that alright?' My Dad nodded. 'Of course but he doesn’t need to drive everyday to Lima.' I hid my smile. Oh he won't have to anymore soon. 'Yeah' I only said and got inside. 'Is Carol at home?' 'Yes she's in the kitchen and preparing Dinner.' 'Brilliant. Why don’t you already take a seat and leave the cooking to her and me?' 'Ok' said Dad but I know that he knew I was up to something. I walk into the kitchen. 'Hey Carol.' My Dads wife turned around and smiled at me. 'Kurt how was your date? How's Blaine?' I leaned on the counter and answered 'Oh it was great and Blaine's fine. He'll come over for Dinner tomorrow.' 'He will? That’s great' Carol smiled. 'Carol' I started innocently. 'I need your help with something.' Her smile grew brighter. 'Anything darling.' I smirked. 'I need your help convincing Dad...'

I'm Kurt Hummel and this is my senior yearWhere stories live. Discover now