03 By the way. You can keep the car.

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By the way. You can keep the car.

'You're sure we are right?' asked my Dad from the front seat of the car. After almost 2 hours of driving we were finally in Westerville.

Blaine had called yesterday and said that his parents, like he guessed, were fine with it and already started planning their new library. He'd given my dad his address and now he, Finn and I were in the car outside of the house which was supposedly Blaine’s. To be honest I never was at Blaine's before. He somehow had always managed it that we either spent time at the Lima Bean or at my house. Never his. It had never bothered me but when I thought about it it was kinda strange.

At first I was really excited but now all I could do was staring perplex at the building before me.

'Dude' said Finn and turned around in his seat. 'Why haven't you told me that Blaine's living in a mansion like this?' I kept gazing at the huge white building and mumbled more to myself than to Finn 'He didn't say a word.' Slowly my shock changed into disappointment and anger. Didn't he trust me? Why hadn't he told me? 'Kurt' my Dad said as he drove the car into the entrance. 'Don't be mad at him for not telling you. I'm pretty sure he had a good reason not to.' Dad the mind reader. I shrugged and said 'I hope so.'

We parked just outside of the door next to Blaine’s car. I could see a Range Rover and two Porsche cars in the garage. Blaine had some serious explaining to do. We got out of the car and headed to the door. Finn kept looking at the house and said 'And he wants to move out there? Is he nuts or something?' 'Finn' was all my Dad said.

We reached the door but before we could knock somebody opened. Blaine stood in the hallway and winked us in 'Come on in guys.' I stepped into the hallway and turned to Blaine 'Why have you never-' 'Please Kurt' begged Blaine. 'Not now. Later ok?' 'Dude this house is seriously awesome' said Finn. 'Yeah totally awesome' said Blaine sarcastically. He took my hand and began to say 'I already packed everything. Its upst-' 'Blaine?' called a domineering voice and suddenly a man appeared at the end of the hallway. 'Who are those people Blaine?' While turning around to face the man Blaine put a hand on my hip and pushed me behind him. The man walked to us and stopped right in front of Blaine. 'So?' 'That's...that's Burt Hummel and Finn Hudson. I've told you that they'll help move my stuff' Blaine answered subdued and quietly.

I blinked in disbelief. What happened to my Blaine? The Blaine who always knew what to do. The one I’d admire like nobody else in this world. I've never seen Blaine so vulnerable like this before.

The man looked at my dad then holded out his hand and said 'I'm Richard Anderson nice to meet you Burt. I may call you Burt?' 'Of course' answered my Dad. Mr. Anderson turned around and looked at me. His eyes narrowed as he said 'Well and you must be Kurt. My sons...boyfriend.' He said the last word like it was something disgusting which should be forbidden or extinguished. Blaine winced at his father’s words and pulled me closer behind him. I laid an arm around his waist to comfort him but it only made things worse. He stiffened in my arm and seemed to be more uncomfortable than ever but I didn’t let go.

Mr. Anderson looked at us with an angry expression. 'Well remember boy. Whatever you leave behind your mother and I will donate to a foundation for street kids.' 'You can't do that' I said loud growing angrier with every second I spent with this man. 'It’s my house with my rules and I can do whatever I want' Blaine’s father said bossy and looked at me like I was nothing more than a bug.

'But-' 'It’s ok Kurt. I've got everything' whispered Blaine to me. 'I think we should pick up your boxes and then go. We've got a long way home' said my Dad. I could see contempt in his eyes but his voice was perfectly calm. 'Good idea' said Mr. Anderson. 'Your mother wishes you a good time.' He nodded at his son then turned away. He headed towards a door but then stopped and said 'Oh and by the way. You can keep the car.' With that he walked away and closed the door.

As his father was out of sign Blaine signed and laid his head on my shoulder and said 'I hate him so much.' I held him tighter and kissed him on top of his head. 'Gosh. Is he always like that?' Finn asked. Blaine nodded against my shoulder and said 'My Mother is the same.' 'Come on guys. Let’s get those boxes and then let’s get out of here' Dad said sternly.


'I'm sorry Kurt.'

I almoste drove his car into a tree as Blaine said this. I insited on driving because Blaine was still shaken up. Well he had said that everything was alright but when we got in the car Blaine had closed his eyes and hadn't said a word ever since.

'God you scared me. I thought that you were sleeping.' 'No I was thinking and I'm so sorry Kurt.' I drove into the street of our home and asked 'Why are you sorry? You haven’t done anything wrong. When somebody should be apologizing it’s your father.' I stopped at our house. My Dad and Finn were already there. 'But why haven't you told me this earlier? We could have figured out something together.' 'That's why I'm sorry Kurt. I know I should have told you about my family long ago but...I don't know what stopped me.'

Blaine made such a sad smile that it nearly broke my heart. I pulled him into a hug and kissed his forehead. 'Everything is going to be alright now. We've got each other and I'll be always there for you. You know that don’t you?' Blaine looked up and I could see small tears in his eyes. 'I Love You' he said and was about to kiss me but suddenly somebody knocked on the window. Finn stood outside and said: 'When you guys are done with all the smooching could you please help me with the boxes. I won't carry them to your room all by myself.'

'Correction' I said to Blaine as we got out of the car. 'Everything will be fine after we'd killed Finn.' That made him finally laugh and together he got in the house. Our new home.

I'm Kurt Hummel and this is my senior yearWhere stories live. Discover now