09 You had to be the hero

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You had to be the hero

'Coop I'm not ready for one of your DuranDuran sing marathons again' Blaine said with a broken and sad voice. He was lying on his stomach with a box of tissues next to him and I could hear he was sobbing. This was all my fault. I never hated myself more than in this moment. 'I'm not Cooper' I said quietly. Blaine’s head shoot up and he looked at me with blood shoot eyes. 'Hey Blaine' I said softly. 'Hey' he answered. We just looked at each other. He wasn't wearing the bandage around his head anymore and for once he had his hair ungelled. I would give everything to run my hand through his hair again but to be honest I was scared. In his text he said he still loved me but what if he didn't want me back?

'Kurt?' Cooper opened the door with a glass of water and a pack of tablets in his hand. 'Here you go. They aren't really strong but they'll help you.' I mumbled a silent thank you and took one pill. 'What are those?' Blaine asked looking at me worried. 'Painkillers' answered Cooper for me while leaning against the closed door, looking at me and his brother with a smile. 'Why...What happened?' asked Blaine troubled. 'Karofsky' Cooper simply said. Blaine’s eyes widened and he jumped to his feet. 'What did he do?' He asked furious. 'I'm gonna kill him!' 'Whoa clam down a little brother. I don't want to visit you in jail and I'm also pretty sure orange isn't really your color' said Cooper with a wink and opened the door. 'Anyway I'll be downstairs if you need something.' 'Wait' said Blaine 'You need to tell me what Karofsky did!' Cooper nodded to me and said 'Its Kurt’s part to tell you. Not mine.' With that he got out and Blaine and I were alone.

Blaine turned to look at me and I couldn't handle it anymore. I felt the tears starting to come as I ran to him and throw myself into his arms starting to sob. It felt so good to be close to Blaine again. 'Hey. It’s ok.' I could feel he was caught off guard but quickly he tightened his hold around me. 'I'm sorry' I said between the sobs. 'I'm so sorry.' 'It’s ok Kurt' Blaine said again and while still embracing me he pulled me to his bed and sat us both down. 'It’s my fault. It’s all my fault' I said into his shoulder. 'Just tell me what happened ok?' Blaine asked. 'I...I...' 'Please Kurt?' Blaine begged, caressing my back. I nodded and I told him everything. He was quiet the whole time but when I got to the part where Karofsky punched me he hissed and hold me even tighter.

After I finished Blaine was silent for a long time before he said 'That's why you broke up with me.' He let go of me but I was still clinging on him. 'Kurt look at me' he said I too let go of him. Looking up with red teary eyes I saw Blaine smiling. 'You had to be the hero hadn't you?' I shrugged and with a small voice I said 'As cheesy as it might sound but I couldn't bear the thought of getting you hurt again.' 'It’s not cheesy' he said softly and before I could respond I felt his felt his lips on mine. I inhaled sharply and kissed him back while finally running my hand through his curls. He moaned softly. 'I missed you' he whispered against my lips. 'I missed you too' I whispered back. I could feel him smile then he slowly broke the kiss. Wrapping his hands around me, I leaned against his chest. 'Have you told anyone besides me and Coop about Karofsky?' He asked after a while. I shook my head. 'You should tell your Dad and this cheerleader coach' he said. 'Coach Sylvester?' 'Exactly. Karofsky needs to be expelled.' He sounded bitter. 'I will. Promise but not now. Tomorrow?' I asked while playing with his shirt. 'Right now I just want to enjoy that I have you back.' Giggling Blaine pressed a kiss on my hair. 'I'm enjoying that too.'

'Porcelain and porcelains hobbit' said Coach Sylvester 'I'm glad you came to me.' Blaine and I just spent the last hour explaining to her the whole Karofsky drama. As bad as the situation was I couldn't hide a smile. Porcelains hobbit. My hobbit. 'This time Karofsky has gone too far' Coach Sylvester said while opening a can of vitamins and putting almost everything into her cup. 'Coach, aren't those a little too much vitamins. Even for you?' I asked the coach. 'It’s none of your business porcelain but I have to eat now for two' answered the coach. My jaw dropped. 'Wait for two?' Blaine asked confused. 'Do you mean you are pregnant?' 'Yes hobbit. Me, Sue Sylvester, I'm with child.' I just stared at her with my mouth open, that poor child. 'My....congrats' Blaine said and I could see in his eyes he thought the same as me. 'Thank you' said Sue 'but now back to the caveman.' She took a nip from her vitamin shake. 'I'm gonna talk to Maharishi about expelling Karofsky and even start an investigation.' 'Maharishi? Who's that?' Blaine whispered to me. 'She's talking about Figgins' I whispered back. The Coach got up and so did we. 'Now Lady Face, Young Burt Reynolds get out of my office. I have important stuff to do.' 'Thank you Coach. Really it means a lot -' 'Yeah right. Bye Coach' I cut of Blaine and dragged him outside.

'She's nice' Blaine said as we walked down the empty hallway of McKinley High. 'Right' I snorted 'that's like saying the Hungarian Horntail is the sweetest pet ever.' Laughing over the Harry Potter reference Blaine said 'But Kurt they are just misunderstood creatures.' We both laughed but I turned serious soon. 'Blaine?' 'Yes?' 'What happens now? With us I mean?' I asked, looking everywhere but not at him. Blaine took my hand and squeezed it. 'I hate to break it down to you' he said grinning 'you are stuck with me. I will never ever let you go again.' Looking at him I asked 'So New York is a go?' 'Like I said you are stuck with me. Pretty depressing thought to be honest' he joked. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him happily.

'I love you.'

I'm Kurt Hummel and this is my senior yearWhere stories live. Discover now