04 New York

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New York

I woke up in the middle of the night because an arm was lying on my face. First I didn’t know who's arm it was but then I remembered. It’s been two week since Blaine moved in with me and my family. Two weeks weren’t really long I know but I couldn’t remember how I’d ever lived without him. At the beginning I had feared that we would start fighting soon or getting annoyed with eachother but none of this happened. It was going perfect. We'd made arrangements like that he'd showered first in the morning or split the space of the wardrobe in two seperate parts.

My family also loved Blaine.

My Dad and Finn took him to football games as much as possible and he even became Carol’s new favorite shopping partner.

I softly pushed Blaines arm away and sat up. He was lying on his belly and mumbled something into the pillow. I laughed without making a noise not wanting to wake Blaine up.

I looked at the alarm clook. It was 2:29 in the morning. 'Damn' I cursed slightly. We had to get up. If I wanted it or not I had to wake Blaine anyway. 'Sweety?' I carefully shook Blaine. 'Wake up. We have to get ready.' He slowly started opening his eyes and looked confused and half a sleep at me. He moaned and turned away. 'Five more minutes babe' he mumbeld sleepy. I slighly laughed and leaned over him and wishpered into his ear 'New York Blaine. Don't you remember?' ‘Yeah New York. Right’ Blaine said but didn’t move. I playfully slapped him and said ‘You can sleep in the plane all you want but right now you need to get up.’ ‘I’m already up. I’m up’ he mumbled and finally sat up. He gave me a peck on the lips and said ‘Oh and by the way. Good morning.’

Two hour later Blaine and I were at the airport of Columbus with my family.

‘Do you guys have everything?’ my Dad asked for the fourth time. ‘Yes Dad’ I answered slowly starting to get annoyed. ‘We’ll be back tomorrow evening and if we really missed something, which I doubt we can buy it in New York. So don’t worry. We’ll be fine, wont we Blaine?’ Blaine startled at my words and slowly said ‘Yeah totally. Whatever you say babe.’ He’d slept the whole way form Lima to the airport in the car and now he was even more tired than before. He hugged me from behind and laid his head against me shoulder. ‘Whatever you say.’ ‘Ok I think we should get on the plane. Either that or Blaine will fall asleep right here.’ ‘I’m not asleep’ I heard Blaine muttering into my shoulder. ‘You really got-‘ ‘Burt’ said Carol. ‘Let them be or they’ll miss the plane.’

We hugged everyone goodbye and right before we passed through the barrier Finn screamed. ‘I almost forgot. Rachel says that you two should say hey to NYC from her.’ ‘We will’ I screamed back and with a sleepy Blaine I made my way to the plane.


‘Oh my god’ Ever since we got into the taxi which drove us from JFK to your hotel Blaine had only been able to say those three words. He kept looking out of the window. He looked like an excited puppy. 'Oh my god.' I laughed. 'You like it Blaine?' He didn’t turn his head to me not wanting to miss anything from New York City. 'Like? That’s understated. This is totally awesome.' I continued laughing then I remembered what Finn had said. I cranked down my window and leaned out. 'Rachel says hey New York' I screamed out.

20 Minutes later we were in our room in the hotel. I’d taken a quick shower and when I got back into the bedroom Blaine was sitting on the bed and stared grimly at his cell. I rushed towards him and sat down next to him. ‘What’s wrong Blaine?’ He shocked this head and simply gave me his cell. I took it. There were two missed calls. The first one was from David and the second was from Blaine’s father. I looked in disbelief at the display. ‘You don’t know what he wants, do you?’ ‘No. He didn’t leave a voicemail.’ Blaine took the phone again. He turned it off and threw it into a suitcase. 'Is it ok if I use your phone too?' 'Sure' I said softly.

Blaine cleared his throat. 'So what are we gonna do now?' ‘Well we’ve got the appointment with the real estate agent in 3 hours and after that…’ ‘After that?’ Blaine asked suspicious. ‘You know Blaine. We’re in New York and this time I’ll make it in a legal way.’ ‘What are you talking- wait. No you didn’t. You can’t’ have. You really?’ Blaine was looking at me staggered. I reached into my pocket and revealed smiling two tickets to tonight’s show of Wicked. ‘You’re crazy. You know that right?’ said Blaine while his eyes were fixed at the tickets. He’d totally forgotten about his dad. ‘Does this mean that you don’t wanna go?’ I asked mockingly and slowly put the tickets down. ‘You’ve got to be kidding. I would love to.’ He looked me deep in the eyes and said: ‘Have I mentioned that you’re the best boyfriend ever?’ ‘Not today but I like to hear it every time’ I said grinning. Blaine stared smirking and said ‘You know Kurt. Three hours are a really long time to wait. We should do something to kill the time.’ With that he started kissing me fiercely.

I'm Kurt Hummel and this is my senior yearWhere stories live. Discover now