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I'm writing this book to show awareness about suicidal people.

Maybe, you think they are just being crazy to kill themself.. But that's wrong.. People around them is the one that make them to do that..

They don't want to die but they just want the sadness and pain to stop,  forever...

Lots of people died, because of suicide. Have you ever ask why?  Maybe that's because of you?! Stop friking judging and hating other..  Everyone is the same..  They are human being too.. 

Stop! Can you ever bear the responsiblility of their death? Lol?! Of course not...

Look closer around you... LOOK CLOSER!  Try to detect fake smile and sad eyes. Ask them.. Help them..

I have my personal reason for doing this.. I'm one of them too.. I had tried to kill myself before..  You ask why?  Easy! It's becaus of people around me..  They JUDGE me, They HATE me, They spread RUMOUR about me, They only see my MISTAKE!  not my PAIN !
But,  one thing.. I will never hate them because I dont want them to feel what I felt.
Sometime.. Suicidal people like me only need someone to say:

" I don't hate you"

"I Love you"

"You are loved"

Just some simple words can help them..  So say it!

ChaeYn 😊

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