- Meeting The Guys -

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Vanessa P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of a door slamming and Alexa slapping me on the face. I. HATE. HER.

I left my room and went to eat a late breakfast, since it was almost 3 p.m., half-wake, half-sleeping and yawning. I opened the fridge and pulled a yogurt, putting it on a bowl and mixing it with cereals and strawberries. Uhmmm sooo yummy. While I was eating, I received a message from my mom asking me if I could take some files she forgot on the living room table to her office and since I needed to go there anyway to get some stuff and Alexa and I had nothing scheduled for today, seeing that it's holidays and he don't have homework, I replied that I would take it as soon as we were ready. Then after I finished eating, I filled a cup with cold water, and went upstairs to my room and when I got close to the bed, poured the water on Alexa's face to wake her. Revenge feels damn good.

"SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT, what the fuck!?" She screamed, sitting suddenly with her eyes wide in surprise, as I stood there laughing.

"Ahahahahahaha, you should see your face!" I said with a big smirk on my face. "Revenge, bitch!"

"WTF? Revenge for what? What the fuck did I do? I was fucking sleeping you asswipe!"

"You slapped me in the face." I said now sending her a glare.

"Well, I don't feel sorry for you."

"Well, then you deserved the cold water, so don't complain about it."

"Well, fuck you then."

"You always say that, so, I don't care."

"Whatever, fuck is an amazing word. I'm gonna eat. Ciao bitch."

"Eat fast, we have to go to the hotel to meet with my mum."

"You woke me with cold water and you want me to eat fast? Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Yeah, grumpy. Now, hurry up." I told her and she did as I told her, but just after rolling her eyes and giving me the middle finger. This girl rolls her eyes so much that one day they will end in the back of her head.


Alexa P.O.V.

I went downstairs to make breakfast while Vanessa was getting dressed. I decided to make some cereals and then walked to the living room and lied down on the couch, so I could eat more comfortably.

As I was almost finished eating, Vanessa came downstairs and stared at me with a serious face.

"Why aren't you ready?" She asked with an angry voice

"Do I really have to go? I don't want to. I'm feeling lazy today." I complained in a childish voice and pouting.

"The pout doesn't work with me. Get your fat ass from the couch and go get ready. You have ten minutes."

"Argh, fine, douchebag." I said standing up from the couch and giving her the middle finger once again.

"Love you too, honey." She shouted as I walked upstairs.


As I decided to piss Vanessa even more as usual, I finally came down after fifteen minutes, dressed in some black jeans and my 5SOS sweater, because it's cold as fuck today and this sweater is damn fluffy, so why the fuck not?

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