- Good Girls Are Bad Girls That Haven't Been Caught -

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Alexa P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning calmer. I guess I just needed a good night of sleep. I don’t work very well sleepy.

I stand up from the bed and saw Vanessa on the couch listening to King For A Day, how did I knew? Well, because she has the music in the maximum and I can hear everything, even with the headphones. And she can thank me for presenting them to her, because they are fucking awesome.

“Morning.” She said taking off the headphones when she saw me.

“Morning. Can we talk?” I asked her.

“Sure, but I don’t want to discuss.”

“No, I just want to apologize for my attitude yesterday. I shouldn’t act like that. It’s just… I missed Ashton and he didn’t even talk with me, he just paid attention to you, and I really wanted to spend time with him. And yeah, you know how I feel about him and that I’m jealous as fuck even if there’s anything between us.” I said sitting down next to her.

“I’m so sorry for that, I didn’t mean to hurt you or make you feel jealous. I didn’t have the right to “steel” him. Me from all the people know how it feels to be “replaced”. I was selfish and a terrible friend because I know how you feel about him. I’m sorry for that. And you don’t have to worry, I promise that I will barely talk with him today. You will have that chance.”

“No, you don’t need to excuse. It’s my entire fault that I’m awkward around him. Fucking shyness. You can talk with him as much as you want, he’s also your friend.”

“First of all stop being stupid, everyone is shy around their crush, it also happens to me, well that won’t happen with Ana because she is probably going to jump into him. And second of all you’re one of my best friends so if it upsets you so much I won’t talk with him. Our friendship is more important.”

“Are you kidding? I couldn’t even manage to talk to him. I can be a fucking pervert talking about him with you and talk normally with him for messages, but face to face is different. And don’t be stupid, I would never ask you for that. I don’t own him for have the right to decide who can or not talk with him.”
“Oh, I feel even worst, I didn’t knew you felt that way. Next time please tell me how you are felling, and you’re right you don’t have the right to decide with who he can or can’t talk but I’m your best friend and I can make sure that you don’t feel bad with me talking to him.”

“But I don’t like to make people worry with me, so yeah, let’s forget this and let’s eat, I’m hungry.”

“But I’m your “mom” so I will always be worried with you.” Vanessa said laughing. “Now seriously, as your friend I will always worry with you and if you need to talk I will always be here and you’re right we should go eat. Sentimental conversations in the morning make me very hungry.”

“I don’t like to talk about my stuff, you know that.”

“Yeah, I know, we’re friends for four years now. Just promise me that you will try to talk with me about your stuff.”

“Yeah, yeah, blah, blah, let’s go eat.”

“Me trying to be sweet with you and you reply that. You never change. Go fuck yourself.”

“So why do you still try if you know I’m like that?”

“Because I care about you. Asshole.”

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