Can I get out? That's the first thing that I think.

I try looking around the unfamiliar room. There's obviously a door, and there's also two windows.

I slowly get out of the bed and walk over to the windows. This could be it, my escape.

Unfortunately, as I pull back the navy blue curtains, I discover that the outside of both windows are protected by black metal bars. Wonderful.

Oliver's car is in the driveway. But this is definitely not Oliver's house.

Where am I?

I have to try the door. What's the worst that can happen? Oliver sees me trying to leave and gets mad? Maybe we argue. So what?

I creep my way over to the white door and put my hand on the cold doorknob. But when I try to turn it, it doesn't budge. Damn it.

Good thing there's a small bathroom in this room. It consists of a toilet, a small shower, a sink, a little cabinet that I find holds towels and rags, and a big mirror just above the sink. There's a navy blue rug on the floor that matches the curtains in the bedroom.

On the sink, there's a little cup that contains a toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste. However, there are no windows or anything in the bathroom, so I go back into the bedroom and sit down.

That's when I see a folded piece of paper on the nightstand. I pick it up and carefully unfold it. I don't want Oliver to know that I'm conscious.


You're probably confused about where you are.

Well, if you couldn't tell, I kind of love you. This was supposed to be our house. You were supposed to leave Harry for me. You're in the room that would be ours. Louis, you're so silly.

You must have feelings for me. You must. I know we weren't very close, only acquaintances at best. But I watched you a lot, Louis. And I want you.

I'll see you soon,

- Oliver x

What the fuck?

It's true, Oliver and I weren't really friends. We had mutual friends, but we never spoke that often. But what does he mean by he watched me? Do I even want to know?

And he thinks he loves me? Why?

As I'm rereading the note, the door slowly opens.

I look up to see Oliver.

He comes in and closes the door. He has a plate of sugar cookies.

"I se-" he starts to say, but his voice is off so he clears his throat. "I see you found my note."

I nod.

"What do you think?" He asks, setting the plate down on the nightstand.

"Oliver, I don't love you. I love Harry." I say.

He scoffs. I decide to start asking him questions.

"Where am I?"

"Don't worry about it."

"I need to get home to Harry."

"Shut the fuck up."

I sigh, and his face is cold.


"You're with me now, Louis. You belong here. I love you. Not Harry." He states.

I choose to stay silent. Because if there's one thing I absolutely know for sure, it's that Harry loves me. However, things will only get worse if I choose to say that, so I say nothing instead.

"Have a cookie, Louis." He smiles sweetly at me.

"I'm not hungry." I reply.

He frowns, and I feel bad for making him upset, so I take a cookie from the plate.

They taste alright, but I want to go home.

It takes me a while to eat one, because I don't have much of an appetite and I definitely don't feel like eating.

"Today's been a long day. You're probably tired. I'll let you go to sleep soon." He states. I nod, unsure of what to say.

"You know I love you, Louis. I know you feel something for me. Just try to figure it out tonight, okay?" He sighed. I shrugged.

He studied my face for a few moments before nodding towards an air conditioner in the corner of the room.

"If you get too cold or too hot, you can mess with that. Good night, Lou." He informed me.

"Night." I croaked.

He walked out and I heard the door lock behind him. I should've ran away when I had the chance. I could've pushed him off the bed and ran out the door. I would've found my way somewhere after that. Anywhere to get me home to Harry.

Harry. I wondered if he was worried about me. I didn't have my phone or anything, so there was no way he could contact me. Had he even tried? Probably. I was sure he was wondering where I was. I hoped it didn't keep him up, though.

Of course, there was only so much time he could go with some excuse like my phone died and I was staying the night with a friend. He didn't know I had gone out with Oliver. Just that I was leaving with a friend.

In fact, I wasn't even originally with Oliver. I was with our friend, Max. Max left Oliver and me alone, and Oliver was supposed to end up taking me home.

That obviously didn't happen. Instead, I'm in a strange house with some strange guy that I barely know. Oh, and he thinks he's in love with me because he apparently stalked me all the time.

It seems unreal. This kind of stuff just doesn't happen, right? Only in the movies. This can't be real. It can't be.

But it is.

I decide to just lay down and try to sleep. After turning the light off and curling up under the blanket, I discover that an opening in one of the curtains allows me to see the dark sky and some of the stars. I can't see the moon, but I make shapes out of the stars I can see.

That's what eventually lulls me to sleep, with blissful thoughts of Harry and going home on my mind.

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