Oliver doesn't return all day. In fact, he isolates me in the room for almost two and a half days before he comes back in. No visits, no food, no water, not anything to do except shower and nap. And think. I do plenty of thinking.

When he comes in, I'm laying down. I sit up, though.

He holds a bag of chips out to me. I take it cautiously.

He looks at me as I open them and put one in my mouth. They're barbecue, which isn't really one of my favorites but it's better than the food I've had the past two and a half days- none at all.

"Have you thought about the way you feel?" He asks after I've finished about half of the bag.

"Oliver, I'm sorry. I love Harry. You have to know that." I gently tell him.

He sighs.

"You just haven't had time to think about it." He stands up and starts walking towards me.


"I don't want to hear your excuses! You love me, Louis! You know you do!" He snaps.

I flinch, but take a moment to collect my thoughts.

"Oliver, no. I'm sorry. Maybe with time, it could be different. I just- I love Harry." I say. I know it will never be different. Even if, by some unlikely reason, I'd stop loving Harry, there's no way in hell I could love Oliver.

"No. You love me. I know it, and you know it." He's right in my face now, and his jaw is clenched.

"Oliver, I don't. I don't love you." I tell him.

The next thing I know, his hand is on my face. And there's pain. A sharp stinging. He slapped me.

"You know better, Louis. You love me! Tell me you love me!" He screams.

"Oliver, I can't." I sigh.

He hits me again, several more times.

Still, I don't tell him I love him. I can't. I won't.

When he leaves, he slams the door and locks it. I hear several things slamming around, and a few things that were made of glass shattering.

What the actual fuck?

I finish my chips and throw the bag away.

I'm left with nothing to do, so I begin going through the clothes in the closet. A good majority of the clothes were comfort clothes- sweatpants, hoodies, pajamas. There were a few casual clothing items, like jeans and shirts and jackets. And a black suit.

There were also several pairs of shoes.

Had Oliver done this for others? Had there been more people in the same situation that I'm in, or was all of this put together for me? I don't know. I don't want to.

As I study a Spiderman hoodie, I notice a little lump in the pocket. I put my hand in and pull out a small stuffed cat. It's light purple, with pink and white hearts on the body. One of the ears is ripped partially off. Why was it in the hoodie pocket?

I decide not to put it back, and instead I place it on the nightstand. I hear a car start outside and rush to the window. When I pull back the dark blue curtains, I see that Oliver is leaving. But where?

I immediately begin trying to look around for anything to pick the lock on the door. Unfortunately, there's no luck. I can't find anything at all.

The next thing I do is hit, kick, push the door. I try my hardest to break it down. Truth is, I'm small. I have no muscle, and I don't weigh a lot. I have no chance of breaking it down, even when I slam my entire body into it.

I do, however, make a crack in it. It goes about halfway down the door, and I grin at it. I'm starting to make some real progress. But, as I'm starting to actually put a couple more marks in the door, I hear a car pull up. After checking, I confirm that Oliver is back. Damn. How am I going to hide the door from him?

I just have to hope he doesn't see it.

After hearing the front door open and close, I practically leap into the bed and pull the big, black and white comforter over myself. I am pretending to be asleep when I hear the door open.

It closes gently.

"Aw, you're asleep. You're so cute when you sleep." He chuckled. I cringe internally.

I hear a familiar ringtone, one that I set on my phone specifically for Harry.

I pretend I just woke up and look over at him. He smiles at me.

"He keeps calling." He tosses a bag to me, but I don't bother taking my eyes from him and my phone.

"I'll let you have a couple minutes. You need to tell him that you're leaving. That you love somebody else. That you are happy here and that he needs to leave you alone." He scoffs.

He tosses me my phone, and it begins ringing shortly.

Oliver raises his eyebrows at me expectantly, and I quickly answer my phone.

"H- Harry." I croak.

"Louis!? Oh my god, Lou! Where are you!? Is everything okay!? I- fuck Louis. What's going on!?" He demanded. Just the sound of his voice makes me crave to be home with him.

"I- I'm fine. Listen, Harry. Can you listen?" I squeak.

"Yeah, of course, love. I can listen." He says.

I nod and bite my lip. How am I going to tell him this?

"I- I'm okay. Everything's f- fine. Listen, I left. I- I can't do it an- anymore. I- I love someone. I'm s- sorry, Harry." It takes a long time for me to get the words out, but he's silent.

"Louis, who is it?" He calmly asks. Maybe he got a sign, when it took me a long time to say it. Maybe he knows something about the truth. Hopefully.

I give Oliver a questioning look.

"A mutual friend of Max's. D- don't worry about it. You don't need to kn- know his name. Help, Harry. Help me. Tell me y- you can be okay with this. Help me out." I stutter, hoping to god he understands what I'm trying to say.

"I- I love you, Louis. I'm gonna go." And he hangs up.

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