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It isn't long before I resurface. The nurse checks my vitals before going to get the doctor.

When the doctor comes in, he gently smiles at me.

"Hey, Louis. Can you tell us what happened?" He asks. The cop raises his eyebrows at me as well as Harry. Harry's hand gives mine a small squeeze for reassurance.

"He took me to his house. H- he kept me locked up." I blurt, though my voice is weak.

"What else happened, Louis?" The cop questions.

"H- he hit me a lot. He barely fed me, he was mean to me." I say.

The cop nods and writes some things down, as does the doctor.

"Anything else we should know?" The doctor wonders.

"H- he-" I stutter, and break eye contact with everyone in the room. My gaze falls to my lap, and I think my cheeks go red, because I'm suddenly heated up. I can't say it.

"What happened, Louis?" The doctor asks.

"He raped me." I squeak.

It falls silent, and I don't dare look up at any of them. In fact, I close my eyes. I don't want to look at anything.

"I'm sorry, Louis." The doctor says. I shake my head and Harry's grip on my hand becomes tighter.

"I think that's enough questions. I'll be back later." The cop sighs.

He leaves, and the doctor follows. It's just Harry and I in the room.

"He better hope to god he doesn't ever get released." Harry mutters. My eyes flash up to him, and he looks pissed off.

"Harry..." I frown.

"I'll fucking kill him, Louis. I swear to god." He states, and his green eyes show no sign of regret with his words.

"Harry, don't." I sigh after flinching. I'm tense, and Harry looks at me for a moment.

He sits on the edge of the bed and looks at his hands for a moment.

"I love you, Louis. I'm so sorry you had to go through that." He says.

"I love you more." I reply.

He opens his arms, and I tense up again. It's just Harry I have to remind myself. Still, I hesitate for a long moment before cuddling up to him. He pulls me into his lap and I lean against his chest.

"I- I'm s- sorry." I stutter.

"Don't apologize, Louis. You have nothing to apologize for." He tells me.

"For everything." I insist.

"Love, what are you talking about? You haven't done anything at all." His voice is soft.

"I've caused all of this. A- and you were worried about me." I explain.

"Louis, look at me." He says, lifting my face so that I have to stare into his mesmerizing light green eyes.

"Yes?" I squeak.

"It isn't your fault. None of this is your fault at all." He tells me, his tone soft and low as his eyes stare into mine.

"I just, I feel bad." I tell him, and he turns me to where I'm straddling his lap. He holds both of my hands and presses a kiss to my forehead. He has to be careful due to my IV, but we make it work.

"I know, honey. But it isn't your fault." He says. I shrug and rest my head on his shoulder.

The doctor returns with the same nurse a few minutes later, and Harry slides me off of his lap. He stands next to me, though I can't bear to have him away from me. I don't let him walk away, even though he doesn't seem like he wants to. I lace my fingers with his tightly.

He gives me a slight smile and I try to smile back.

"Well, luckily, you're disease free. You're just dehydrated, and malnourished. Also..." The nurse sighs.

"Yes?" Harry and I both question. The nurse's hazel eyes flash to Harry before looking back at me. She takes a deep breath.

"Well, we aren't sure, but we suspect that you may be pregnant." She informs us.

I look at Harry, who's biting his lip and closing his eyes.

"How far along?" He asks. His voice is deep and I can tell he's trying his best to stay calm. I squeeze his hand softly.

"We aren't sure. We'll have to do another blood test and an ultrasound." The nurse replies.

"Is that okay with you, Louis? We aren't going to do anything that you aren't comfortable with." The doctor checks. I look over at him.

"Yeah, that's fine." I state. He nods.

"The results won't be back for another few days. We're going to send you home in about an hour. Just, drink lots of fluids, especially water. And eat, if you can. But take it slow. Would you like anything right now?" The doctor explains.

"I'm good right now, thank you though. I'll eat when Harry and I get home." I answer. He nods.

The nurse smiles at me.

"Are you ready? It won't be much blood." She tells me. I nod in response.

She takes some blood and looks at me.

"You'll have to come back in a few days. We'll check your hydration and everything. And we should have your test results back." She informs me.

"Okay." I nod.

I look back at Harry, who is less tense now but still visibly upset.

The doctor and nurse leave, and the room is nearly silent.

"I'm sorry, Harry." I tell him.

"Baby, it isn't your fault. I'm not upset with you." He sighs.

"I- I know. I'm just sorry that this happened and that you're mad about it. I know you wanted us to have a baby, and I know that you're mad about this. I'm sorry." I explain to him.

He leans down and softly kisses my cracked lips.

"I love you so much, darling. And I want you to know that if you are pregnant, I'm here for you and the baby. I will accept it as my kid. You two will never, ever need or want for anything." He states.

"I love you." I tell him.

"I love you more." I answer.

The End

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