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I stand up after I finish crying. There's no way I can sleep. I try to exercise. I've been here for three months, and I've barely exercised at all. But, I'm weak. Weaker than I thought. I can barely do anything.

Instead, I stretch. And it feels good. I spend a long time stretching, even until it becomes painful. But at least it's something to do.

I don't see Oliver at all that day. Or the next. Still, I spend my time doing little stretches, napping, and imagining things.

On the third day of no contact, Oliver comes in. He hands me a piece of garlic bread and a small bag of gummy bears. I take them, and I even thank him.

"How have you not gone crazy in here?" He chuckles, glancing all around the empty room.

I shrug. Truth is, I probably have.

"I try to keep myself entertained." I state.

He nods and studies me for a while.

"You're so pretty, Louis." He sighs.

I look at my dirty hands. I'm not pretty. Especially not now, when I'm dirty and bruised and weak.

"Thanks." I mumble.

He hums slightly, and I can still feel his eyes on me. It's uncomfortable, but this isn't the most cozy of arrangements anyway.

He grabs my arm and leads me to another room.

"This is my room." He says.

Suddenly, both of us are stripped. I'm numb, but I still ask him to not do this. He doesn't listen.

I'm chained to the bed. That's the last thing I register.


When I'm conscious again, I look around. I'm back in the white room.

However, I'm still chained to something. A bed, but not a very comfortable one. And I'm still naked. I guess I blacked out or something.

I find a folded piece of paper on me and unfold it the best I can.


You did good. Don't worry. You're only going to be stuck in this room for a little bit more time.

You're so pretty, Louis. I love you. You love me. Maybe we should get married. Like you and Harry were supposed to. Then we can be together forever. Like we always wanted.

I'll be back shortly. I have to run to the store. Christmas is in a couple of months, and my mom really wants this thing. I'll see you soon. Be ready, lovely.

Oliver x

I toss the thing away from me. I don't want to look at it again.

He's going to be back.

Why doesn't he just kill me? He keeps hurting me, he should really just end it for me. I either want to be out of this place or I want to be dead. I'm fine with either at this point.

I try releasing myself from the chains that bound me to the bed, but I have no luck. If only I wasn't so weak. I could have probably done it when I was first brought here. But there's no way I can do it now.

I try for what seems like hours before I become exhausted. It's hopeless. I know that, and Oliver knows that. That's why he did it.

Instead of crying, I simply decide to take a nap instead. God knows I need it.

I dream of Harry and home, of a time where both of us are happy and together and married. We even have a dog in the dream.

When I wake up, though, I don't find Harry next to me. I find Oliver standing over me.

"Good morning, lovely." He beams. No.

I say nothing, but look at his face instead.

"Guess what?" He asks, grinning.

"What?" I question.

"I went and got something for you." He tells me.

I don't say anything.

"And, you can move back to your room. Go take a shower and get cleaned up. I'll be waiting for you when you come out." He informs me.

I cringe, but get up.

I walk out of the room and through the house, to the stairs. I glance at the front door for only a second before moving over to the stairs. I force myself to climb up them, though I'm weaker than before and it takes so much effort.

Eventually, though, I get to my old room and sigh in relief. I immediately go into the bathroom and turn the shower on. As I allow the water to heat up, I brush my teeth twice and wash my face.

When I shower, I wash my hair twice and my body four times before I feel clean.

When I get out, I take my time drying off and walking into the bedroom.

Oliver wasn't kidding. when I enter the room, he's sitting on the bed with a box.

He opens it and pulls out a baby blue set of lingerie.

"No." I say.

"Yes, Louis. Put it on." He demands. I shake my head and put on some random clothes.

"You're going to be punished if you don't put it on for me." He growls.

I shrug. "Go ahead, I don't care."

He picks me up and takes me back to the plain white room.

"I guess you still haven't learned that what I say goes. Always. You don't have a choice, Louis. When you love someone, you make sacrifices." He states. He's pissed off.

"Good thing I don't fucking love you then." I reply.

That really does it. Now he's mad. I can tell by the look in his eyes and by the way his eyebrows furrow together.

"Then I guess you'll just stay in here until you can figure out your feelings, then." He says.

I ignore him, for I'm just as pissed off as he is.

"Good night, Louis. You know I love you, but this is what you get." He sighs, shaking his head as if there's some extreme misfortune happening.

I still say nothing, so he walks out and closes the door harshly. And I'm left alone again.

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