I've been here for a month and a half. I've only been allowed to speak to Harry twice. Both times, I tried communicating that I need help. He hasn't caught on.

Oliver has hit me countless times, and he's even raped me a few more times. He's broken so many things. He's ruined things. He's taken things from my prison of a bedroom.

He's becoming verbally abusive as well. And I've lost some weight. He's starting to deprive me more. He's getting angrier and angrier with me as more time passes. But I can't help that I don't have feelings for him.

Today's the day. I have to get out. I can't stand it any longer. It's only been a month and a half, but I would give anything to go home.

Harry misses me. He says that Zayn and Liam do, too. And Niall. And Max. Only, I don't want to see Max ever again.

Oliver opens the door with slow motions and closes it the same way. Then he sits on the bed and looks at me. I'm closer to the door than he is. Good. I'll need to be if my escape plan is going to work.

He puts a grilled cheese and a cupcake on the nightstand.

"So, any change of your feelings lately?" He questions, picking at one of his nails. His brown eyes briefly meet mine before mine flash away.

"No." I state. I'm not going to lie.

Would I even succeed if I tried to escape? Of course, I have my doubts. But I have to try. I have to. I can't stand the thought of not really trying to make it home to Harry.

Our wedding is scheduled for four and a half months away. Well, it was. That's likely changed by now. If this all goes wrong, I may still be here in four and a half months. Or I could be dead. I'd almost rather take the latter. If only it wasn't for Harry...

I must get home to him. That is what is keeping my mind made up about my plan. I need to get home and see him and be happy and feel good again. I need him to be happy and know that I'm okay and that I still love him with all of my heart and soul. With all of my being.

But it's going to be hard. I know that. He could easily hurt me bad if this goes wrong. But I don't think he'll kill me.

Plus, I've still never been outside of this room. I have no idea what the rest of the house looks like. There's a pretty good chance Oliver knows every square inch.

Still, the good far outweighs the bad. That's why I'm still going to go through with it.

Harry's really been the only thing keeping me going. Him and my friends and family, but mostly him. I wouldn't be able to endure this without knowing I'd eventually be home with him.

He makes me strong. He's the rose to my dagger, the the ship to my compass, the anchor to my rope. He's the oops to my hi. He's my everything.

And that's what makes me stand up from the bed. Oliver looks at me, but I ask him what's in a drawer that I've looked in dozens of times. It holds phone cases, bits of eraser, a few bottle caps, pointless and random things. But I need him to be distracted.

He goes over to it and opens it. Now's my chance.

I turn around and go right out the bedroom door. I turn, and run down the stairs. I'm doing it. I'm actually making it. I can see the front door! I'm almost free! I can almost be home to Harry!

I'm just about to reach the front door when I'm hit in the head with something hard. I'm pushed over, but I still manage to pull the door open and drag myself halfway out.

Oliver is stronger than me. He easily lifts me up, closes the door, and sets me back down. But he's holding my bruised wrists. They're bruised from him holding them down so hard the few times he's forced me into things.

"You tricked me. Good one, lovely. Not good enough, though. Come here." He leads me to a different room. We don't go upstairs, which I'm thankful for. I feel weak, and all my energy was burned when I made a run for it. I don't think I could go upstairs if I wanted to.

He opens a freshly painted white door, with a white doorknob, and pushes me into a room. The carpet's white. The walls are white. There's one small attached room, with only a toilet. And it's white. It all looks fresh and clean, but it would drive me absolutely crazy to be stuck in here for a long time. I can't do this.

No windows. No doors besides the one that he shuts behind him. The one that leads into the room. No closet or decorations or bed or anything. Just white. Everywhere you look.

"This is what you get for trying to escape. This is your punishment." He states. My punishment? No. I hate this. I hate this house and this room and this stupid idea and I hate Oliver. I hate him so much.

I look up at him. My eyes meet his soft brown ones for a moment, and then his quickly flit away. He can't look into my eyes for long.

"I love you, Louis. You know that." He sighs. I say nothing. I haven't talked much since I've arrived. He's commented on it multiple times, but I don't care. He can fuck right off. I don't want to talk to him. Ever.

"You'll stay in this room for an undetermined amount of time. And then you'll realize how good you had it up in your bedroom. You'll see, Louis." He tells me. And then he's gone, and the door is closed and locked behind him. And I'm alone in a room with nothing but white.

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