Chapter 9

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I still haven't found much to say in this author note so just enjoy the chapter. If you have any questions feel free to comment.

      Gladion realized that he only had Moon, Reiji, and Ryoko to battle (y/n)'s supposed kidnapper. That would be enough. He was quite sure that this would be a piece of cake for him anyway. The person that had taken (y/n) ended up stupidly running into an ally with a dead end. Ryoko had him cornered and there wasn't much he could do now.

      For one, the kidnapper had a butter knife up to (y/n)'s throat and did a lousy job hiding his appearance because the brown coat he had on was slipping off.

       "Hey, you bastard! Let (y/n) go!" Gladion yelled and he actually yelled because Necrozma allowed him to speak again.

      Apparently, Necrozma couldn't afford to have (y/n) kidnapped. The guy in the red suit held (y/n) tightly and said, "There's no way I'm failing this assignment. I have to take this girl to my boss and you can't stop me!"

        Gladion frowned his signature frown and wondered what the use of threatening (y/n)'s life with a butter knife would do if the guy needed her alive. Ryoko looked back at Gladion waiting for him to give her the order to rip the guy to shreds.

         He was obviously afraid of the midnight form Lycanroc as he was noticeably shaking. Gladion didn't need Ryoko to murder the guy so he decided to make small talk with him assuming that his level of intelligence wasn't too high.

      "Why do you need (y/n)? How do you even know that you have the right girl?" he asked. Gladion noticed that his grip on (y/n) loosened.

        " boss said that the...a girl with weird pokémon would be going to the pokémon lab place thing. She's got that thing," he said pointing at Ryoko with the hand he had been using to hold the butter knife. "So she's got to be the right girl, right?"

      (Y/n) faught his grasp one last time and was finally able to break free. She ran to Gladion and gave him a quick hug before turning around to face the guy who had so far failed to kidnap her.

        "You ok, (y/n)?" Gladion asked. (Y/n) just nodded. "Uhh...umm...oh thank goodness you showed up!" the guy said. Gladion turned around to see a woman in a red suit that matched the one that the guy was wearing. The outfits were equally hideous.

        "You had one job! Just one!" said the woman. She seemed angry which was understandable but Gladion could care less.

         "We need to fight them if we want to get out of this one. You think you're up to it? Fighting with Moon won't be the same as fighting with your Umbreon," (y/n) said. Gladion just nodded. There was no time for conversation.

      "Well it looks like we're gonna have to beat you to a pulp to get what we want and all you seem to have is three pokémon, " the woman sneered. That's where she was wrong. Not only did (y/n) have a full party of pokémon with her but she was a champion which meant she wouldn't loose so easily. It took the best of the best to take (y/n) down and these goons certainly weren't even close to being to best.

      With Gladion comanding Moon and (y/n) currently commanding Ryoko, the two faught the people in the red suits who each had three pokémon. It was almost too easy. It was a close call for Moon who only had 15 hp left, but (y/n) slipped Gladion a max potion to use which Moon gladly took.

      Ryoko turned in the direction of the now harmless woman and howled quite scarily. The woman scambled away in fright and yelled, "Team Flare isn't done with you brats. We'll be back and we'll get what we want too!"

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